The camera lingered a moment on O'R's face. If you ever wanted to see an expression of pure hate, disdain and dismissal directed at someone, watch O'Reilly directing this look at Pres. Bush.
I hope everyone gets to take a gander at the interview on YouTube or sumpin'.....and watch for this stark, revealing moment.
It's something else, believe me.
I saw that look of dismissal. I hated the way BOR went at Pres Bush.
I also hated Laura Ingraham’s comments after the interview.
Neither she or BOR even listen to their guests; they already have an opinion and never mind what the guest thinks.
I saw this moment. It revealed what a petty, jealous, ridiculous man O’Reilly is.
I loved W’s zinger when BOR tried to compare his own literary efforts with Bush’s.
W simply said, “I think my book is more complex than yours.”