But relax, everyone.Another 'gullible' huh ... unawares of the duplication of observation made on following evenings of aircraft transiting at altitude over LA and area ...Because what appeared to be a missile launch 35 miles off the coast of California was ...
We know now what it takes to separate the gullibles from the critical observers, the ones that will take Michael Redvero-class single-event observations and proclaim a 'missile launch' regardless of proof and duplication of 'sightings' disproving said theory ...
I think Michael Redvero had another name for the 'gullibles' he peddled his material to - easy marks ...
And of course there are those who believe they have ownership of Absolute Truth.
Those we simply call the Deluded.
And of the Deluded whose information comes from questionable sources who have a vested interest in deceiving yet who ridicule those who QUESTION what has been told by a soft tyranny, we simply call what another called “useful idiots.”