Why do these “activist” strike me as attention whores, setting up confrontations???
IMO, the Sargent had an ax to grind with Joel personally and couldn't help himself.
Not a real good reflection of the mentality of the MPD.
Didn’t take long for the “police do no wrong” bootlickers to show up.
The confrontation was initiated by the leo due to ignorance on his part and as leos would tell me when I was a teenager”Ignorance is no excuse.”
Police have been granted broad discretionary powers by fools who don't see the dander. Police have been given a code book so huge they could never stuff it into the back of a squad car. They are protected by a simple sheeple population who want to “fix” the people around them. Shame on you sir for your simplistic short sighted view of freedom.
We don't need the cozy cabal of cops, lawyers, judges (lawyers with robes), prosecutors (lawyers with elected positions), city council members (usually lawyers) and State Legislators (more lawyers) controlling our every move. People who support police support corruption and welfare for un employed lawyers. S5!
“Why do these activist strike me as attention whores, setting up confrontations???”
Because you’re thinking “activist” as liberal media speak. Joel Rosenberg is NOT that type of activist. He’s a firearms instructor, science-fiction & fantasy writer, and a citizen who has been working on 2nd Amendment issues in his home state for, literally, decades.
>>Why do these activist strike me as attention whores, setting up confrontations???<<
Have you ever heard of the phrase, “Use it or Lose it”?
Well these activists are intentionally stepping out in front of the crowd to protect our 2nd Amendment rights. Yes, most police officers in the country do not know who can carry openly or concealed until there is a local issue about the matter in their station. That is what brings them up todate. You should be thanking these activists not criticizing them.
Could the same be said of our founding father?
Activists? Attention whores, wanting to draw attention to a common cause...
As someone already said use it or lose it. Far too many people have the same don't rock the boat attitude that you display. And that's the reason we are in the position we are in, as a country, regarding the 2nd amendment.