Posted on 11/06/2010 5:38:04 PM PDT by 1curiousmind
I don't KNOW that things are going to quickly cascade into chaos . . . nor even the beginning stages of such.
HOWEVER, I do know that our own Webbot Jockey as well as Cliff High's crazy noises . . . as well as a number of other puzzle pieces have bee pointing to this week in Nov for some time.
All of that would normally at this point after so many dozens, if not 100's of false alarms . . . be yet more yawn material.
However, there is this very interesting item posted at post # 1341 here:
I don't know that any one or even any 3 or 4 of such puzzle pieces would be any great cause for alarm or concern given all the false alerts or perhaps accurate alerts where globalists changed their plans . . .
However, there's certainly a different feel in the air and a different level of something on the net the last 24-72 hours.
I have felt that OThuga's enterage in India was not remotely adequately explained. SOMETHING IS going on with all that. Even he can't make all that happen out of merely his Narcissism and Paranoid/Attachment disorder/ character disorders. Someone would have told him it wasn't feasable or some other excuse to curtail his idiocies.
One puzzle piece is even warning about the long awated massive EMP over our nation within the next week or two. I pray that doesn't happen. I pray that where there's a significant number of authentic Christians in a locale, that God Almighty will preserve the electricity distribution infrastructure supernaturally. Please pray as led, any similar prayers in agreement.
EVEN IF this period turns out to be yet another false alert or a real alert where plans were changed . . . the practice will not hurt anyone. Sooner or later, the dominoes WILL FALL.
IF YOU ARE A PASTOR OR OTHER CHURCH LEADER--PLEASE insure that trained folks are watching your parking lot, entrances and exits and hallways and major exposed windows. Avoid pooh-poohing this warning. PRACTICE, if nothing else.
Personally, I think it would be consistent with NT values--as Christ said--buy a sword . . . to have trained permit bearing gun bearers alerted and positioned properly if unobtrusively at each gathering.
INSURE that every Sunday School class and other group leader has some clue as to what to do should terrorists break into their room. There's a good Youtube video on that but I don't have the link handy. Maybe someone will post it. It's good for any group meeting in a classroom type context. I've searched for it under various keywords and not found it.
DEAR LORD, GOD ALMIGHTY, PLEASE SPARE US AS LONG AS POSSIBLE from the looming traumas. Please insure that all those with a true heart after You are prepared in their hearts, minds, spirits and households. Please cause your guardian angels to clearly direct each one who puts their trust in You. Cause each person to be immediately obedient to Your Word to them. May you make Psalm 91's hope and provisions abundantly real to each of us in coming days, months, years. In Jesus' Name.
It may be wise to call the FBI. Personally, I wouldn't bet on it. Some such forces may be on the other side. I'd feel better having talked with either a local Sheriff or other Law Enforcement Officer ahead of time and call him/her when the time came. However, realize that one will likely have to wait in a long line at that point for any responsiveness from such over-taxed forces.
It may well be wise to insure that all military vets in a congregation are alert and seated in the periphery as well as a few sprinkled in hard to guess places. Wasp spray may be wise to have on hand in some quantity where other means are, for some reason, not chosen.
PLEASE insure forgiveness in our hearts, even where one has to deal terminally with an attacker.
I don't know if this is START YOUR ENGINES time, or not. It DOES appear that lots of folks of more than dubious intent and goals are . . .
heading to the race track.
I realize that Watchman Quix had rather err crying alert and being wrong than not crying alert and being wrong.
However, I think perceptive folks who have nevertheless, written me off may well note that I've never posted this kind of warning in quite these terms before. Close maybe once or twice but not quite in these terms. And certainly not with as many puzzle pieces/flags on as many plays.
In addition to what's been mentioned above--there's also puzzle pieces and forces asserting that in this time-frame there will be the long awaited "Bank Holiday." That alone could be cause for concern.
IF there is any such, you can BE CERTAIN that the Jihadi forces have been alerted to coordinate their attacks accordingly.
It would also be a small matter for the PTB to have alerted Iran, North Korea, Cuba, China, Russia et al to plan their attacks accordingly.
IF as SEEMS to be the case, stuff is building for some interesting festivities, I BELIEVE MORE THAN A FEW FREEPERS already have a clue or will shortly have evidence from their jobs or close relatives and friends that SOMETHING UNUSUAL IS GOING ON.
IF You have such sources, please ask them WISE questions that they can answer honestly without getting in overmuch trouble. You SHOULD ALREADY HAVE CODED QUESTIONS PREPARED AHEAD OF TIME. Such as . . . Did your cat get over her hairball? or Is your dog still throwing up on the carpet? or Have your car troubles improved or worsened?
You could even ask them to rate the increase in the problem, 1-10. Whatever they respond with, just tell them you'll pray for the problem and thanks for letting you show some caring and concern. DO NOT set up such questions ahead of time over the phone or any other electronic channels nor even in your vehicle or home. Outside chain-sawing fire-wood might be good. Or outside with 2 different boomboxes going above your speaking volume, might be good. Not foolproof but reasonably protective.
Sure, such can be called paranoid. However, as Eric Fromm wrote decades ago . . . in an insane society, only the insane are sane.
Anyone who thinks the USA headed by OThuga is a sane place isn't dealing with nor living in REALITY at all.
IF you are a FREEPER reporting to this thread on some information you believe is consistent with a valid warning--PLEASE either ask your source or make a guess yourself from the source's info or tone of voice etc. as to the seriousness. I'd reserve 10 on a 10 pt scale for
May God be with all who truly seek HIM.
By the way it is illegal to advocate the overthrow of our government. Islam does just that. Muslims by definition are practicers of islam. Let's start asking our politicians when they are going to step up to the plate and call for a specific law against practicing islam.
Cheers :>) EasyDoesIt
Or the couple some years back, I don’t remember the state, where a man and his wife held a lot of kids hostage at a school with a homemade explosive device attatched to a bottle of propane or something, and then to the man’s arm. The man left the room for a few minutes so the wife had it attatched to her arm. She was gesturing while having the teachers move the kids further back, and it went off, killing only her. The kids all got out. I don’t remember if there were any bad injuries, or what happened with the man. I was half-listening while doing something else.
But, why does The State have any say in the matter at all? (Nevermind any constitutional (including from the state’s constitution) RKBA that such a measure would abrogate.)
It helps to read...
It says right in the post the FBI has been alerted. :)
Indeed. Arab Christians fresh off the boat might want to explore local churches. Being unfamiliar with the non-traditional layout of many American churches, they can be forgiven for wanting a map. Give them what they want, hand them a guest card to fill out, then call them and schedule a home visit. If they are honest, you may gain a family or two in your congregation. If they are lying, you will know as soon as you conduct the follow-up, and you can react accordingly.
Advocating the VIOLENT overthrow is illegal.
Certainly they do that, too.
Churches are almost always “off-limits” in CCW laws.
Of course, better to be safe than sorry.
Maybe it’s time for the church to post a billboard:
For the sake of this discussion, I took the poster at his/her word. Apparently, you are one of those who prefer to stick to the “it can’t happen here” philosophy. Having been a cop for 35 years, I know it can happen. It just happened in Baghdad. I know, but this isn’t how about Fort Hood? Soldiers are forbidden to be armed on a military post. IT HAPPENED
I recently learned from a close friend that the Mooselymbs had successfully closed down even the mega Christian churches in Indonesia.
The first thought in my head was “They do something like that and we’ll run them all out of the country” but then reality set in and I realized even if they do the left will run to thier aid (and secretely relish in their deeds) and we’ll eventually be the ones run out of the country, heaven help us all.
And if the Pastor is too lily livered or clueless to comply, replace him or have the Board override him. If none of those options are viable, change churches.
I trust the sense of those observing the blokes more than that.
It’s not exactly rocket science.
Arabs seriously interested in church for positive reasons know how to seek out information honorably. They are far from total idiots about everything.
Perhaps your church might consider a scan in card for parishioners. Just like used to enter a bank’s ATM machine where they could swipe the card to get into church.
Of course, also contact FBI and local officials for their awareness and guidance.
I find your circumstance frightening.
God Bless.
I agree with PapaBear and other upthread posters. Our church is small but I know of at least 5 of us that are carrying every single service. Doesn’t hurt to be prepared.
Wouldn’t they be interested first in the beliefs and doctrine of the church, what programs for teens/children/other age groups? The kinds of questions stated by the OP divorced from these kinds of questions would seem fishy to me, if they are merely considering joining the church. Wouldn’t they want to have a different conversation with a member other than just these strange questions, strange coming from a potential member?
Just Sayin
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