Posted on 11/05/2010 10:16:55 AM PDT by Libloather
For the losing side: How to handle the post-election hangover
By Stephanie Chen, CNN
November 3, 2010 4:57 p.m. EDT
(CNN) -- For weeks -- even months -- you may have been caught up in the election frenzy. You've been jazzed about a candidate or a cause. Perhaps you've volunteered for a campaign or proudly planted a sign in your yard.
The results are announced and the winners start celebrating their campaign victory, but for the losers, an election loss can easily turn personal.
CNN spoke to Dr. Ivan Walks, a public health physician and psychiatrist who has studied stress for more than two decades, about post-election blues. He is the former chief health officer for the District of Columbia.
CNN: Does post-election stress exist among voters?
Dr. Ivan Walks: Absolutely. People really engage in politics because they know things can change. When their candidate loses, they can be profoundly disappointed, and it can lead to negative things.
People can also spend a lot of money [during an election]. When you personally go out and get people to write the checks and your team loses, there's a certain sense of obligation, and you feel bad. I have met people who talk about how embarrassed they are, and how they feel like their judgment is being questioned by those around them. They feel like they've lost a certain amount of respect in their community.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Democrats in need of psychotherapy after being shell-shocked... remember 2004?
Start off with an anal list, go to the analyst...
I’m thrilled beyond words that Tuesday’s ousted Elitists and their staffs can now join the unemployed just like the Country Class they disdain and feel superior to. They created this disaster they can now join in the misery. Thank you Tea Party Patriots!
This news just in....
Democrat operatives in 60 flipped districts have announced finding 600 bags of ballots that could tilt the balance of power in the House back to the Democrats!
OK, not really but I wouldn’t put it passed them.
I do remember that in 2004! Seriously, who could get excited over that Kerry guy anyway?
Mm, your tears are so yummy and sweet! Oh, the tears of unfathomable sadness! Mm-yummy! E. Cartman
Yep. And I don't recall CNN offering up any assistance to PEST victims in 2008.
Since 1/20/09 I’ve had acute Post Inaugural Stress Syndrome.
I know of only one way for you to relieve yourself of that. It can be done almost anywhere. (Don't let that stuff back up on ya - you'll eventually explode!)
Did CNN have an article like this when the Obamination won in 2008? I’m sure they were filled with joy.
This is silly. I’ve been voting since 76, you lose all the time. Even yesterday there were some losses in campaigns I gave money to and cared about. In FL, as usual, they voted all the amendments in. That upsets me because the regular way FL does that shows they have no idea about how government really works.
Maybe I should go cry....
Here is the Official Post Election Stress Trauma shrink for liberals:
“CNN: How can stress after a major election affect a person's life? Walks: It can have a lot of very serious effects. Some people who were backing the losing candidate might continue to accuse the other side and are unable to let go. I've seen that happen. People can be depressed and let that spiral into a depression. .”
Two years ago when Obama won the election three Republican women told me in person that they wouldnt watch the news for 4 years as long as Obama was president. They were close to tears. You know what I told them? Same as I told you folks :”Cheer up! Democrats are doomed”
sickoflibs and Doughtyone were absolutely right about this. I remember McC-bots savagely attacking Doughtyone for refusing to vote for McC.
Obama and company infuriated the voters far beyond my expectations.
A lot of people are apoplectic about the situation in California right now. Brown has just been voted back in, the Democrats hold the Legislature by a large margin, and all state level offices are held by Democrats.
To quote someone, I don’t know who the originator was, “We’ve got ‘em right where we want them.”
Why do I say that? Proposition 25 was just passed. This allows the California Legislature to pass budgetary items by a simple majority. They say this won’t affect taxes, but guess what. The Democrats in the Legislature are very close to a 2/3rds situation there already. Now they have a governor who will sign anything they send along.
It probably won’t take two weeks before they reduce the size of the vote needed to pass new taxes from 2/3rds to a simple majority.
So we’ll have new income taxes, sales taxes, and yes... property taxes. The voters are very fond of Proposition 13. You just watch. The Dems are going to have heady days upcoming in California. They can’t resist screwing their brand into the dirt.
My take on this is that the Democrats are going to destroy their standing in the state. I give it about two years.
There are worse things than losing.
Reapportionment is just ahead. A new non-political body is supposed to handle the job. If it meets it’s goals, the Republicans will stand on even ground for the first time in decades. Districts will be balanced by population and party affiliation.
Look out Dems. You wanted the majority. You’ve got it.
Come on 2012. It will be another moment just like this one, only it will be focused on the State of California.
For the first time in several generations, I expect to see California lurch back toward the right.
Wait until Jerry gives illegal immigrants driver’s licenses. Wait until people start losing their homes because property taxes went through the roof. Wait until Cap and Trade starts costing people their jobs. This and more, the Democrats won’t be able to resist.
More power to ‘em. The more they screw us, the more they will be damaged by their actions.
Meant to say thanks for the mention of my not voting for McCain, and what I said would happen due to him losing.
WHAAAT??? D1 refused to vote for McCain? He is probably the single vote that put Obama over the top. It's all your fault D1. Actually it was two votes, Rab's betrayed McCain too :) Imagine Meg-cow McCain as first daughter. Yikes!
2008 election night I went to the gym after work and watched hot lawyer babe Meygn Kelly going over the exit poll issue questions. You can tell exactly which way the wave is going by watching those questions and results. So at 7pm when I voted I was 99...% sure McCain had lost. On the other hand I watched this year's exit polls by Megyn (did I mention she was hot?) Kelly at 6:30pm and it was obvious Democrats were toast.
BoR was saying Meygn Kelly/Brett Baur election night coverage Neilson ratings actually beat each of ABC, NBC and ABC program ratings in viewers. Historic for FNC being on cable rather than broadcast. Surprising that viewers would watch Megyn (sunshine) Kelly give analysis over Olbermann, Maddow, Schultz and Matthews personal opinions, isnt it?
Olbermann just got suspended for donating to democrats LOL.
That’s great about Fox, and funny about Olberman. Har...
As for Megyn Kelly, I like her. I do want to toss out an honorable mention to Martha McCallum though. To me, her smiles, demeanor, and on camera personality add to her nice looks, and inch out Megyn for favored status.
Megyn does a good job though.
Dennis Miller said that if Horace Greeley were alive today, he would say, "Stay put!" instead of "Go west, young man."
And I'm not convinced that having Meg Whitman presiding over a fiscal disaster that the Dem legislature won't let her fix, would have been a good thing in the long run.
I wonder if, instead of Schwartzeegger, Cal had a Dem gov., would there have been been a chance of a GOP takeover of gov. and the legislature?
I believe so. And to my discredit, I actually voted for the guy. I was a died in the wool person who didn’t want a brown separatist like Bustamante, or Gray Davis to be at the helm.
So I gave the Legislature a fall-guy for the last seven years.
I was part of the problem. I’m trying to avoid that these days.
It’s deeply rooted in why I hold Palin to account for backing a guy like McCain and signing on to The LOST Treaty.
We must vet our people rigidly. We can’t afford anymore 2, 4, 6, or 8 years implementing the Leftist agenda even 10% of the time. And all too often, our folks implement it far more than that.
From here on out, we play hardball and move the line back to the right every election, and more importantly in-between them.
If we’re not on board to do this, if the status quo is just fine, then we’re in the wrong cause. Conservatism deserves more than this. Our Founding Fathers, and military people who paid the ultimate price, deserve more than this.
We, me included, have to change for the better.
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