I’m not saying that nothing dastardly took place. I am saying that poll numbers do not under any circumstances constitute hard facts.
No, but we need to use the language. The Left has been doing this for years. Ayn Rand said something to the effect that whoever controls the language controls the culture. It is true something is not “hard” if there’s a 0.000001% chance it may be wrong, but for all intents and purposes, it is hard, if that makes any sense. We cannot afford to continue being wimps.
I believe that Lexinom is correct and while Polls would not hold in a court of Law they certaintly would get people thinking. If multiple polls were this far off in NV and not other states then that implies something isnt right. In the latest poll by Mason-Dixon, they predicted that Heck would win the right to represent Nevada in the House. Heck won. The other recent polls from Nevada were accurate, why not this one?