1 posted on
10/31/2010 12:43:42 PM PDT by
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To: kristinn
Was the arena "half full" or "half empty?"
(Apologies to whoever already played this obvious hand in this thread.)
123 posted on
10/31/2010 4:56:17 PM PDT by
(Anita Bryant was right.)
To: kristinn
On the other hand, George Bush got a huge standing ovation as he threw out the first pitch in front of 40,000+ fans 10 minutes ago.
125 posted on
10/31/2010 5:36:05 PM PDT by
("Socialism is the political dream of the unachiever, the excuse maker, and the lazy.")
To: kristinn
134 posted on
10/31/2010 6:59:01 PM PDT by
("Every night before I go to sleep, I think who would throw stones at me?", she said)
To: kristinn
135 posted on
10/31/2010 7:00:55 PM PDT by
(If You Want Peace.....Prepare For War)
To: kristinn
CNN’s Don Lemmon. will call it a “massive” turnout.
137 posted on
10/31/2010 7:09:49 PM PDT by
(My Final prediction: 10 Senate seats, 70 House seats. --Oct 26th.)
To: kristinn
They were all at Jon Stewart’s Clown Show in DC.
141 posted on
10/31/2010 7:20:53 PM PDT by
To: kristinn
His tank moment, for those old enough to recall Dukakis.
148 posted on
10/31/2010 8:07:58 PM PDT by
(Pro-Life atheist, conservative Bostonian)
To: kristinn
REJECTED: Obama, Biden Play to Half-Full Arena in Last 2010 Campaign Stop...BWAAAAHAAAAAAHAAAAAA! Couldn't happen to a more deserving pair of buffoons!
150 posted on
10/31/2010 8:14:40 PM PDT by
(DIMs?......start packin'--you're fired!....I can see November from my house! We're gonna do it!!!)
To: kristinn
I’ve heard a couple of radio news stories regarding Obama trying to rally his backers into going to the polls for Democrats. The sound clips have Obama speaking and the crowd cheering.
I’ve been wondering about the size of the crowd at whatever event these clips come from. The radio news reports say nothing about empty seats in the coliseum, of course.
Obama has recently had a hard time filling up rooms, so I was wondering about the crowd size (and the lack of reporting on crowd size) at the events where these news reports come from.
160 posted on
11/01/2010 6:06:18 AM PDT by
(If thine enemy offend thee, give his childe a drum.)
To: kristinn
I too am amazed there is not a single US flag visible. Proof positive the Baraquis hate America and all it stands for.
161 posted on
11/01/2010 7:18:54 AM PDT by
(The Whitehouse Nightmare will continue as long as the Nightmare is in the Whitehouse)
To: kristinn
You gotta love it.
I bet Sarah Palin and Herman Cain both beat those numbers with their respective tea party rallies this weekend.
165 posted on
11/01/2010 9:34:22 AM PDT by
(We've got some altering and abolishing to do! - Herman Cain)
To: kristinn
8000 kids skipping class, IMO.
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