Of course, my first thought was.... lucky b@#tard... You got to hit that. Then I read the story and O'Donnell didn't even put out. Talk about much ado about nothing.
There are some pics of what appears to be an intoxicated O'Donnell on the page, however. She wouldn't be the first nor the last to have those kind of pics around. Imagine if there was digital photography around for much of Teddy Kennedy's career? Nuff said.
What a nasty piece. And the guy is a real coward. How bout telling us your name, D-bag ?
Does this mean I can anonymously publish my story of my one night stand with Nancy Pelosi, in which she cross-dressed as a Cardassian hermaphrodite and made me beat her with a phaser while she screamed, “Hit me, daddy! I’ve been a very bad space girl!”? I think I still have the pictures somewhere...
this claimer must not have been very rememberable
Thank God for that!
Go, Christine, go!!!
O’Donnell’s neighbors pointed out that they heard her loud sex romps at her old place. Sorry, She’s a fraud.
...or did I miss the point? ;)
Shades of “ I am a student at a small midwestern college and I never thought this would happen to me.”
I say who cares! Things happen in life and nobody’s is perfect.
I guess the attack implying she is an obsessed church-lady nun who even hates masturbation tactic didn’t work so they are swinging to the very opposite end of the spectrum and implying she is a slut.
She should get a personal injury lawyer and sue them for whiplash.
Jeesh libs, stay consistent in your mudslinging.
The real story here is the photos at that site.
Her eyes are glowing fire red.
She’s a witch I tell you!!!
This story reminds me of the time Coons tried to have sex with my dog. Did I ever tell you the story?
And the Rat party is the Communist party. Stop the presses!
Two observations:
1.) He claims he didn’t get any off her. (He’s probably bitter)
2.) She looks cute in a lady bug costume.
Liar... this man is a liar... nothing but a liar... and a liar will steal and cheat... lair, thief and cheat.
Christine would not allow herself to associate with people of lower IQ and achievement.
As such, that pretty much eliminates most journalists and does make me wonder why she’d want to enter the House of Ulster...er Congress.
Journalolibs are maroons.
I see a trend where people are tired of the nasty personal attacks.
The American people are worried about their futures. We are not voting for saints, we are voting for patriots.
O’Donnell isn’t perfect, but then who is?
Nothing is more foul than a persom who writes a screed like this and is too cowardly to put his name on it.
Assuming this tale is true, that's a "deal-breaker" - especially when you've been drinking and the women is attractive?!
He's gotta be at least half a fee-yag...
Well, better than 2192 days with the bearded Marxist in the Senate...
How was she?
Andrew Dice Clay says “Is dis guy a HOMO? Ohhhhhhhhhhh!”
Dear Penthouse,
I never thought this would happen to me...