To: Kaslin
NPR CEO Vivian Schiller: "...this has nothing to do with Fox News or his particular views of Muslims. She is also sorry NPR did this while most
public radio stations are in the middle of their fall pledge drives. You have to love the timing of this! LOL
7 posted on
10/21/2010 12:22:42 PM PDT by
Red_Devil 232
(VietVet - USMC All Ready On The Right? All Ready On The Left? All Ready On The Firing Line!)
To: Red_Devil 232
Isn’t it hillarious! She fired him then afterwards thought “Oh, boy. I forgot about the fund raising.” And she admitted that they’d been having money problems.
17 posted on
10/21/2010 2:02:23 PM PDT by
Terry Mross
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