Did you have confidence when George Bush oversaw the $700+ Billion TARP measure?
And yes, I'm a long-time conservative Republican.
I know that people were pissed when Bush signed the Tarp and remember this was on his way out of office. I think that Obama and his band of communists and socialists are far worse than George Bush. I also think we need to focus on the current occupants of the WhiteHouse Bush is gone and yes he did some things wrong and should have used his veto power more he was so into bipartisianship that he got his clock cleaned by the media and the democrats who have no morals but I do not think Bush was evil like the President we have now and instead of looking back we must move forward 2 wrongs dont make a right this is just my opinion.
No, I didn't. However, Bush and Obama aren't even in the same universe when it comes to preservation of the US. Obama is a typical university liberal who doesn't really understand at all what he thinks he's an expert about. This is a very, very, very common affliction, and it tends to preferentially infect the types of narcissists who love the stage provided by public office.