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To: politicket
“Did you have confidence when George Bush oversaw the $700+ Billion TARP measure?”

No, I didn't. However, Bush and Obama aren't even in the same universe when it comes to preservation of the US. Obama is a typical university liberal who doesn't really understand at all what he thinks he's an expert about. This is a very, very, very common affliction, and it tends to preferentially infect the types of narcissists who love the stage provided by public office.

19 posted on 10/19/2010 7:15:20 PM PDT by pieceofthepuzzle
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To: pieceofthepuzzle
No, I didn't. However, Bush and Obama aren't even in the same universe when it comes to preservation of the US.

I agree that Obama is very bad. I also believe the Republicans don't have a clue regarding economics either - and I'm a long-time Republican.

What happens if we run a balanced budget this fiscal year (which just started - October thru September)?

The answer is that the citizenry would quickly see the economic depression that we are in, since the $1.6 trillion dollars of federal deficit wouldn't be there to mask it.

What reaction would there be from the citizenry towards the Republicans?

Our nation needs to somehow remove itself from debt-based currency, and instead have our US Treasury issue our currency if we desire a national currency.

It is only in this way that our currency would reflect true capital, instead of debt.

26 posted on 10/19/2010 7:41:33 PM PDT by politicket (1 1/2 million attended Obama's coronation - only 14 missed work!)
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