No more second chances.
About time. The GOP must change or a new party will sweep them into the dust bin of history. A new conservative party has been needed for decades. If Palin leads us—I will be the first to bolt the GOP. Reforms, real reforms, are needed to drain the swamps in Washington DC. We follow Europes lead and cut spending and entitlements or we will sink quickly into the 3rd world. What could this new party be for?
1. No new taxes—a flat 15% tax on all people.
2. End of Foreign Aid —all of it!
3. No to multiculturalism!
4. No to the Global Warming scam!
5. Close the border—with a wall if we must!
6. Prison for any who hire illegals!
7. Yes to statehood for Purto Rico and Virgin Islands.
8. Yes to re-building the railroads.
9. More Nuke plants! Good ones like the Germans have.
10. More Drilling! offshore, Alaska, everywhere.
11. More refineries to process our oil.
12. End to Teacher tenure that rewards bad teachers.
13. Break the power of the Unions.
14. No more bailouts! None! Let them go bankrupt!
15. Privatize state and local city services.
16. Rebuild our military—restart F-22 consturction.
17. Finish the Crazy Horse Monument!
18. A new Americore like Vista to help Americans not people in the 3rd world. We got a lot to do here at home.