Fear and frustration? more like fed up and determined
this is a job that you can’t learn as you go. You mus know what the hell you are doing.
Obozo is right when he says...
“Another is to say we can meet these challenges and we are going to move forward. And thats what this election is about.
Oh...Yeahhhhh...We ARE going to move forward in this election! HA HA!!
Jimmy Carter redeaux.
I'm half-expecting this moron-of-a-President to wear a sweater, have a fireside chat, and be attacked by a rabbit.
The Rats are shovel-ready for the dust bin of history.
Hopefully he meant the politician’s FEAR of the voter’s FRUSTRATION.
You said it.
I will admit I am afraid of him Bam Bam
darn tootin
He hates Americans
Real ones
He loves the hapless, the parasites, the resentful the takers of society. the troublmakers, the crazymakers the ones who kill babies and tear the fabric of society
yeah, that frustrates me in a MAJOR DAWG GONE WAY BAMBI
“Fear and frustration”
Wasn’t hope and change going after the fear and frustration of the entitlement class during his election. The entitlement voters weren’t getting enough—free food, housing, social services, etc.
The only thing shovel ready is Obama's mouth, which just can't stop digging.