To: LonelyCon; ExTexasRedhead; stephenjohnbanker; LA Conservative; SoCalPol; Salem; doug from upland; ..
FReeper Mark Levin really lit into Boxer on his nationally syndicated radio show last night, denouncing her unbelievable claim that she voted for more than a trillion dollars in tax cuts over her time in the Senate, including those tax cuts allegedly part of the "stim."
Levin also gave Boxer a new nickname. Heretofore "Barbara Chihuahua," she's now "Queen Leftina."
To: justiceseeker93
To: justiceseeker93; AdmSmith; Arthur Wildfire! March; Berosus; bigheadfred; Convert from ECUSA; ...
Thanks justiceseeker93. I love how there’s a Democratic consultant quoted as an authority on the situation. Partisan media shills suck.
12 posted on
10/16/2010 3:55:56 PM PDT by
(The 2nd Amendment follows right behind the 1st because some people are hard of hearing.)
To: justiceseeker93
I heard Rush Limbaugh play snippets of Boxer’s ‘Stim’ interview too. It grated everyone in my house to the point that we frequently mocked it: ‘the Stim’. I wonder if she needs a ‘stim’ at bedtime or something.
24 posted on
10/17/2010 9:36:56 AM PDT by
Arthur Wildfire! March
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