Children are very easily influenced. That’s why traditionally parents were always careful about what books they read, movies they watched (once movies etc were invented), what friends they had, and so on. Children have always been known to be easily corruptible, since their values and judgement are not firmly rooted.
And since they are emotionally dependent, they are very easily influenced by those with whom they have emotional ties.
No doubt you are right, in most cases. On the other hand, by the time I was 8, my moral code was pretty firmly fixed, and didn’t change much after I hit puberty. However, neither did my parentage.
That isn’t to say that I haven’t violated it, often. But not without knowing that I was doing wrong. And not by fornication or adultery, unless you count that “lusting in your heart” bit, nor by homosexuality in any circumstance.
I can’t even consciously force myself to think a “gay” thought without my stomach rebelling.