To: Inappropriate Laughter
And just what is wrong with cooking in the nude???
2 posted on
09/21/2010 10:57:35 AM PDT by
To: refermech
You mean aside from grease splatters?
4 posted on
09/21/2010 10:58:10 AM PDT by
(Separation of church and state? No, we need separation of media and state.)
To: refermech
Violates the fireman penal code??
5 posted on
09/21/2010 10:58:26 AM PDT by
To: refermech
"And just what is wrong with cooking in the nude??? "
Maybe it's a new version of "the waiter has his, er, thumb in my soup."...just sayin'
6 posted on
09/21/2010 10:59:21 AM PDT by
(obama can only be what WE allow him to be.)
To: refermech
>>>>And just what is wrong with cooking in the nude???
A lot if you’re frying bacon :) That grease splatters :)
7 posted on
09/21/2010 10:59:29 AM PDT by
Keith in Iowa
(FR Class of 1998 | TV News is an oxymoron. | MSNBC = Moonbats Spouting Nothing But Crap.)
To: refermech
They must have expected some pretty hot chili if they already had their hoses out.
8 posted on
09/21/2010 10:59:29 AM PDT by
(Insanity - electing the same people over and over and expecting different results.)
To: refermech
I wouldn’t want my wife, daughter, or other female family members having to work in that environment. Frankly, I’m not interested in seeing some other guy’s penis openly displayed outside the showers or bathroom portion of the firehouse either.
That’s an example of very poor judgment.
15 posted on
09/21/2010 11:03:04 AM PDT by
(All hail Prince Skid-mark, Barack Hussein Obama, constantly soiling himself and our nation.)
To: refermech
And just what is wrong with cooking in the nude???Two words: Bacon. Grease.
24 posted on
09/21/2010 11:11:39 AM PDT by
(Liberalism can be summed up thusly: someone craps their pants and we all have to wear diapers)
To: refermech
And just what is wrong with cooking in the nude???
You get to be my age, and you're prone to various body part drippage and slippage....
29 posted on
09/21/2010 11:20:36 AM PDT by
(It's not the Obama's the "Obama Regime".)
To: refermech
You’d be surprised the variety of opinions on matters like this. I appreciate your response. There are times when it’s a little harder to determine if people are kidding or not.
31 posted on
09/21/2010 11:22:01 AM PDT by
(All hail Prince Skid-mark, Barack Hussein Obama, constantly soiling himself and our nation.)
To: refermech
At work? You can be as big of pervert you want to be in the privacy of your home. In public act like a human being with some maturity and dignity. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson