Posted on 09/12/2010 11:56:20 AM PDT by bareford101
Have you forgotten how it felt that day?
To see your homeland under fire
And her people blown away
Have you forgotten when those towers fell?
We had neighbors still inside going thru a living hell
And you say we shouldn't worry 'bout bin Laden
Have you forgotten?
-- Darryl Whorley, "Have you forgotten?"
November 2008......
He thinks Americans have lost their resolve? He may change his mind after the November elections.
I’m so glad you commented. I was on RightNetWork and saw/heard him for the first time! What a find, what a find!! I cried while watching his video, and I NEVER cry watching videos anymore...
Don't know but I found It under the sink.
Somewhere around 1913. It's been getting dramatically weaker since 1929, though the Germans and Japanese helped to restore it for a while between 1941 and 1945, but it failed completely on 4 November 2008.
I think that only half of us ever had resolve. The rest were just playing along waiting for their opportunity to attack the resolve of the half who had it.
About mid-way through the Vietnam "war" (1965-66); and when being politically correct became the norm (80s??); and when the use of the hyphen (as in african - American) became proper; and when islam/muslim became known as a religion.
It's been pretty much downhill since then.
your wording of “as Americans” is good. Wish I had thought of that
Teddy Roosevelt has a good dissertation about hyphenated names.
Yes, he did. Seems we learned nothing from it tho.
That's about how I'd date it although I think it really began when Truman fired MacArthur for wanting to push across the Yalu into China and attack the real enemy during the Korean war. Failure to decisively win that war really altered the balance of power in China's favor.
About mid-way through the Vietnam war... the peacetime draft into Johnson’s illogical over-reach made baby boom moms begin to refuse to risk their sons. The distrust spread thru and after Nixongate, and Carter’s inept fumbles made cynics of us all.
When political correctness replaced common sense.
There is also the culture of violence, which is natural to a ghetto dweller and not so natural to a pampered scion of a billionaire (though exceptions exist in both cases.)
There is the education problem too. If children are told by teachers to obey authorities, they eventually get the message. It's not that difficult when schools are ran like prisons, and when school administrators are legally permitted to issue extrajudicial punishments with no right of appeal. Children graduate thoroughly deformed, trained to obey the authorities by reflex.
And of course there is that strategy of splitting the population into several warring factions and playing them against each other. Taxpayers vs. tax consumers, for example.
So even outside of the resolve, there is no unity of purpose. If everyone in the USA magically gets the resolve of Conan the Warrior, even then the fighting (political or physical) will break out first within the population, with government snickering on the sidelines and not interfering. The government will step in, with fresh forces, and rule whoever wins, only after the winner is sufficiently weakened. See divide and conquer.
We lose our resolve when Zero and crisis sponsored Pastors threaten to burn the Koran, thus giving a cop out for liberals to blame America, destroy success, give up and promote suicide instead of rising to defend anything.
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