If the OP hadn’t posted this, one of us back here would have posted it, that is if had we found it first.
One of you moderators would be used like an Obamabot tool to spread the dirt around in such a low life manner?
Can you not see this is just another lowdown way Obama, Holder and the White House is using Alinsky type methods to discredit the “bigots” and defend Islam?
Please - do not lose sight of what at issue here. This whack-job pastor has Obama, Holder and the rest of those goon by the you-know-whats and so they now have devised a plan to have conservatives squabbling about like children over some picky stupid details like how Dove Outreach and Fred Phelps are of the same mind.
Who cares?
Or do you think we should wuss out and not burn korans?
General David Petraeus is boots on the ground while you're fiddling around playing keyboard cowboy.
The Patriot Guard as usual will be riding at the next military funeral. From your pro-Phelps commentary it sounds as if the Patriot Guard will find you standing up in support of Phelps and jeering at another fallen American hero and his family.