Obama’s so radioactive that even Tammy Bauldwin, the socialist Congresswomen from Madison, won’t be seen with the Obamster.
Just the fact that we have socialists in Congress is enough to make my skin crawl. Socialism takes away the rights of individuals to distinguish themselves and to be unique. Ironically, socialism concomitantly allows those parasites who make careers out of government to distinguish themselves from the rest of the populace. It's all about them, the same way that for Marx it was all about Marx, for Stalin it was all about Stalin, and for Mao it was all about Mao. Socialism and communism are the ideologies that make the ego and self-determination of whole nations of individuals subservient to the ego and self-determination of the few parasites who occupy government ‘leadership’ positions.
I have more respect for dirt, as an intellectual entity, than I do for politicians.