What planet is this one-trick RINO living on? Why don’t you worry about auditing the FED for the rest of your career, Ron?
This should make every Ron Paul supporter in FR hang his/her head in shame.
Despite his somewhat economic smarts, Ron Paul is an mindnumbing idiot and closet conspiracy theorist.... =.=
PaulTards are the worst....
He has a point, sort of. I grew up in Clearwater, Fl. Where the Scientologists have literally taken over the downtown area in the last 30 years. They pay no property taxes and are a cult disguised as religion. Everyone hates these people but according to the Constitution, they have a right to build. I am a constitutionalist who believes is property rights as much as I hate these a-holes taking over my hometown.
That said, hey Ron Paul, drop the “neo-conservative” label. Its BS.
Well, I see that the worthless piece of crap Turbin Durbin strikes again.
Man, when you live in a People's Republic you sure have a couple of s-heads for senators.
Dear Ron Paul,
Let me help you with that...
When the founding fathers thought of America, their little baby, the last thing they wanted was an invasive force to stifle, smother it, and then overwhelm it and kill it.
Most people do not recognize that what happens in a mosque is sedition. Pure and simple. Islam is not just a religion, it is a cult. Larger than that though, it is a political system, it is its own government, a economic system (which includes funding new mosque construction), its judicial...all wrapped up in the word sharia. This is inclusive of its military (jihadis) all rolled into one with one intent ...and that is to rule wherever they take root. It is a invasive, systemic infection looking to take over the host once it has quantum.
This is not just a religion, but something that cloaks itself in those terms so it should not be given the same treatment contemplated under the first amendment. The Korans Sharia rules are to consume whatever government there is wherever it goes.
Islam is political, and its goal is to supplant and replace. Globally.
When the founding fathers thought of America, their little baby, the last thing they wanted was an invasive force to stifle, smother it, and then overwhelm it and kill it.
The sooner America learns this , the better.
Obama? Obama and Company? Should be tried for treason in this issue for promoting the establishment of a foreign government on our soils. He is doing nothing to protect America as per his oath. Also, as a Muslim, he knows this, he know far better, he knows sharia, but is looking to deceive America.
For all interested...Wanna learn more?
On Sharia
Three things about Islam
and a little Bill Whittle
Maybe we should talk about the birth of Pakistan?
Lets keep America, America!
Obama? Obama and Company? Should be tried for treason in this issue for promoting the establishment of a foreign government on our soils. As a Muslim, he knows this, he knows sharia, but is looking to deceive America.
This from an anti semite..........ugh.
Ron Paul lost me forever when he said he couldn’t imagine a scenario that would justify America declaring war.
What a shame.
Ron Paul can say so many things that I agree with, and even cheer ...and then he comes out with something that is so obtuse that it obviates all the rest of it.
He is exposing one of the many cracks in the Libertarian platform.
I am thankfully a Conservative, not a Libertarian. We have some strong similarities but we also have some strong differences.
Love ya, Ron but ya got this one wrong.
These folks mean to do us in. I know because they’ve said so.
This is all about hate and Islamaphobia, said Paul: Yeah now I hate you, Damn worthless terrorist lackey.
This building was hit by some of the debris including the landing gear. So I would say that it is not "near" ground zero, it "is" ground zero.
Which is the point, from the muslim's point of view. It will be a great place for them to commemorate 911 in their own way. And the rest of the thirteen stories will be effectively a Muslim Brotherhood embassy.
Are we denying someone their property rights? Maybe. If you've been involved trying to get permission to build a church in an urban setting you're aware that they will make your life very difficult as they, the planners and city councilmen, worry about traffic patterns and best use of property, and generally make it very difficult to build a church of any size. Just tell them you're going to build a 13 story church and see them go apoplectic.
But a mosque, no problem. A mosque paid for with foreign funds, even better. And the State Department will pay for your fundraising trip.
Ron Paul is a pacifist.