Is CNN still on?
The libs have their new talking points: I heard this EXACT same comparison on the ABC website.
Fancy, no images of Mohammedhans in America (and elsewhere being agressively intolorant).
The media are feeling guilty for reporting on the dissatisfaction with Obama, and are rushing to be seen as defending oppressed minorities, so they can regale each other with tales of Where Were You When The New Nazism Started? in their dotage.
They’re once again tone deaf to the citizens of the country, and of course they don’t care—we’re the great unwashed, the dopes who were so easily fooled into voting for Obama. They’re angry at the polls showing Dems losing, and they’re venting as they know how—call ‘em bigots, that’ll piss ‘em off.
Shameful MSM ignorance.
Sorry I can't remember who.
I thought it said "CNN is a reliable Democratic Party toilet"
Let'em scream all they want about the protests. I'd rather learn to speak German over Arabic any damn day.
This can not be real. CNN couldn’t possibly be THAT pro=terrorist.
CNN: One the side of the democrat national socialists (DNazis) and the actual inherritors of Nazi doctrine in the ME via the Grand Mufti Muhhamed Amin al Husseini (, hypocritically calling us Nazis. Geobels would be proud. Or jealous. /SPIT
if CNN wants the personification of death & violence...they only need to look at their own anchors.
Commie propaganda.
I lived in Saudi for a while... I’m perfectly fine with them calling me names.
Meanwhile, how these people actually live is being hidden. Castrations, lopping off hands, feet, legs, arms... Burning out eyes... And yes, the crowd pleasing, beheadings
They are complete freaks. People are using their world view to gauge these people... And that is just invalid.
Then again, if we’re ok with Muslim traditions... Then let’s start beheading all the drug dealers, homosexuals, and pedophiles.
Now that I think about it... Why stop these people?? /slight-sarcasm
.....compared to this...
Latest Offerings from the Religion of Peace
“He who fights that Islam should be superior fights in Allah’s cause”
Muhammad, prophet of Islam
2010.08.21 (Paktika, Afghanistan) - Eight Afghans are murdered by Taliban bombers in two attacks.
2010.08.21 (Helmand, Afghanistan) - Six Afghan cops are bound and executed by religious hardliners.
2010.08.21 (Baghdad, Iraq) - Three cops are taken down by Islamic terrorists in separate attacks.
2010.08.21 (Baghlia, Pakistan) - Six members of a peace committee are blow to bits by Mujahid bombers.
2010.08.20 (Yala, Thailand) - A 63-year-old civilian is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2010.08.20 (Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan) - Islamic militants are suspected of gunning down two cops.
When not complaining about ‘’Islamophobia’, the Muslim community
busies itself with racking up dead Christians. Two weeks ago, a
young family was beaten to death by an Islamic mob in Pakistan.
Last week, a Protestant pastor was gunned down in Russia.
Christian children were hacked to death in Nigeria over the weekend.
And, on Monday, two Christian brothers falsely accused of blasphemy
were murdered while in handcuffs outside a courtroom
This is rubbish. I will not be put in the same category as those haters - particularly not by a bunch of clowns like the people who work at CNN.
This explains CNN...the mouthpiece of the “ruling class”
when our government depends upon FOREIGN funding...more than upon the TAX revenues We the People provide...the Foreign Creditors priorities quite naturally trump those of We the People-
This is the DC politicians mindset. That it is so divorced from We the People is our fault.
If that’s the way CNN feels about us, perhaps we need a campaign to get CNN taken off all the airport televisions that we are inflicted with when we take a plane flight. It’s bad enough going through airport security, without being told that we are the bad guys and muslim extremists are the good guys.
The news media has jumped the shark. If the American public buys this crap, they really are mind-addled zombies.
CNN is apparently oblivious to Godwin’s Law.... =.=