He lies about every detail that slithers out of his mouth. The substance, data, interpretation and meaning of every detail. He lies about his birth, his associates, his appointees, his policies, his activities, his thoughts, his family, everything. It's as if he can't speak a word without turning it into a dozen lies. Does anybody truly believe he has been a citizen from birth. Does anybody truly believe that he rejects the venom of Wright, Ayers, Jones, and hundreds of others, including his own spouse? Does anybody truly believe that he loves this country and wants the best for its people?
Mr. President, you're a lying sack of crap.
When you vote someone into the presidency without the experience of a t-shirt stand manager, you get turd-in-the-punchbowl results.
Why beat around the bush, Bob? If you have something to say just come out and say it!
Not even a slight he endured.
The "slight" is the story of his father's torture by the Brits (during the Mau Mau rebellion, as I recall), which may or may not be true.
His father's dream was the destruction of Western Civilization, turning the whole world into a socialist/Marxist utopia. As described in the title of The Won's book "Dreams From My Father", he inherited that dream.
It was further stoked by the people he's associated with his entire life, from Frank Davis to "Reverend" Wright to Bill Ayers, nurturing from his earliest memories the hatred of Western Civilization, English-speaking people in general, and the United States in particular, an intense burning desire to destroy them all.
Yep, and I used to think Bill Clinton was the supreme liar, he seems like a piker by comparison to Obamalamadingdong.
These are a MUST SEE to understand what is happening.
Three Things About Islam
Of Mosques and Men: Reflections on the Ground Zero Mosque