Which one was this?
It would be very difficult to be the Supreme Leader, and expect people to trust in you, when your wive(s) never could.
Newt who ?
I certainly hope he does not run. It is interesting to note that Newt dumped his 1st 2 wives when they became ill. A psycholigist could have a field day with that.
I just wonder how he persuaded them to keep quiet for so long.
Newt’s biggest problem isn’t his ex-wife, its his mouth.
After the MSM finishes parading the trainload of baggage Gingrich has, he wouldn’t get as many electoral votes as John McCain got, and McCain lost by a 2-to-1 margin.
Do the Republicans really want to lose 2012 that badly? They seem to be trying for a repeat of the 1996 and 2008.
Another promising guy who couldn’t keep it in his pants.
Lets not forget next to McStupid*, Newt is nothing more than another poster boy RINO for the left;
Ever since he began licking Hillarys boots for permission to remain public without being ridiculed, the left trot him out like their favorite son when they have very little to work with; and who knows where he stopped the licking and kowtowing with Clinton.
*aka: McChump, McNasty, Mcflipflop, McShame, McStupid, McJaun, McA$$, McCoward, McCorrupt, McAmnesty, McWorthless, McLiar, McIdiot, McRino, McWhore, Mcloser, McLame, McGeezer, Commander Flipflop, Commander McPetty
Here is another link with a picture of McChump:
Nuke Gingrich,
To say nothing of his past political positions.
Newt’s brilliant. He’d be a remarkably effective President most likely.
And utterly unelectable.
He’s not a commander. He’s a revolutionary.
As Che was to Fidel...Newt is to {insert name here}.
The driveby media will be pushing Newt as the Republican candidate just like they did McCain, because they know he will lose.
Newt Gingrich and his Several Evil Ex’s. There might be a movie in there somewhere.
Ohhhh. It’s ok to marry a twice-divorced man because “Callista is a lifelong Catholic and sings in the choir.” There’s indulgences in them thar hills.
I'd prefer someone who doesn't make mistakes at all, but He has already died on the cross for us!
Wow...sounds familiar. My husband of 16 years left me and moved in with another woman, who he had already discussed marriage with and had been seeing the entire time we were married (his ex-girlfriend), the day after I got home from hip replacement surgery in June. He even called her 3 times while I was in surgery. Now he is begging to come home after she made him move out, but I could never trust a man like that again. That goes for Newt as well. What a scumbag.
Just go away Newt, your 15 minutes are long over.
If Newt gets the Republican nomination for President, we can look forward to four more years of Obama. And they know it.
If Gnewt were a demoncrat, his past would be admirable.
For me, it requires cognitive dissonance to agree with with what guys like Gingrich and Rove SAY while I’m aware of their marital failures. Yet both men talk a good game and say what we conservatives like to hear.
Speaking of cognitive dissonance, Calista is highly religious yet has no problem with being a homewrecker. Oh, I forgot... the marriage was “over” before she came along. Calista, I hope those yearly checkups never reveal anything less than perfection . . .