The payment represents $437,500 in one-time sales taxes, plus about $70,000 in annual excise taxes.
And when did Effin' Kerry purchase the 'sailboat' exactly? He may owe a ton more!
Kerry irritated by yacht questions
By ANDY BARR | 7/27/10 1:02 PM EDT
Updated: 7/28/10 4:10 PM EDT
Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) says he will pay all taxes owed on his new $7 million yacht.
As weve said from the beginning, we have always complied with tax laws and we always will, Kerry said in a statement Tuesday. Weve reached out to the Massachusetts Department of Revenue and made clear that, whether owed or not, we intend to pay the equivalent taxes as if the boats home-port were currently in Massachusetts. That payment is being made promptly.
The yacht became a local issue over the weekend after the Boston Herald reported on Friday that Kerry was docking his new family boat in Rhode Island, thus avoiding nearly $500,000 in Massachusetts taxes.
If Kerry were to move the yacht to Massachusetts within six months of its purchase, the state would assume it was bought for in-state use and tax it accordingly. If the boat were to remain in Rhode Island, however, Kerry would not be required to pay Massachusetts taxes.
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To: Libloather
In the memo part on the check, John can write “Got Caught”
2 posted on
08/01/2010 2:18:15 PM PDT by
To: Libloather
Kerry moved to end the controversy this week by saying he would write Massachusetts a check for about $500,000 But will he give the check to Massachusetts.. that is the question.
3 posted on
08/01/2010 2:19:54 PM PDT by
(If modern America's Man on Horseback is out there, Get on the damn horse already!)
To: Libloather
I said to people, on day one, we will pay all taxes, all taxes, theres no issue here, he told the newspaper.
John Kerry is so FOS his eyes are brown.
4 posted on
08/01/2010 2:20:22 PM PDT by
("Every night before I go to sleep, I think who would throw stones at me?", she said)
To: Libloather
"I'm being Shiftboated!"
To: Libloather
"What, you want to see my berth certificate?"
To: Libloather
Kerry looks like the morning after the night before!
7 posted on
08/01/2010 2:21:44 PM PDT by
Farmer Dean
(stop thinking about what they want to do to you,start thinking about what you want to do to them)
To: Libloather
"Reporting for duty . . . free docking!"
To: Libloather
"John Kerry has your back . . . taxes!"
To: Libloather
He said he had not yet taken final ownership of the boat because changes were still being made by the designer, but that he could take possession within the next few days.
What'ya wanna bet he doesn't take possession in the next few days. This'll end the controversy. Till later when no one is watching will he take possession.
10 posted on
08/01/2010 2:23:51 PM PDT by
(Jeremiah 50:31 Behold, I am against you, O you most proud, said the Lord God of hosts.)
To: Libloather
"Lovey said it was a FREE yacht!"
To: Libloather
Taxes are for the little people who actually work to pay them.
13 posted on
08/01/2010 2:24:32 PM PDT by
(Remember the River Raisin! (look it up))
To: Libloather
15 posted on
08/01/2010 2:25:45 PM PDT by
To: Libloather
whether owed or not, we intend to pay the equivalent taxes as if the boats home-port were currently in Massachusetts. ya gotta be kiddin me...
16 posted on
08/01/2010 2:28:12 PM PDT by
(American Hedonist *DTOM* -ww- NO Pity for the LAZY)
To: Libloather
"What's up, dock?"
To: Libloather
He said he had not yet taken final ownership of the boat because changes were still being made by the designer, but that he could take possession within the next few days. I bet that thing looks really pretty when all 48 galley slaves are rowing in unison.
To: Libloather
Jeeeezzzzuz, this can't be the same John Kerry who served in Vietnam can it?
21 posted on
08/01/2010 2:33:02 PM PDT by
(Trust in God, question everyone else)
To: Libloather
22 posted on
08/01/2010 2:35:37 PM PDT by
(The truth will set you free ... and drive liberals Crazy!)
To: Libloather
Sen. John Kerry said he always intended to pay taxes in Massachusetts on his $7 million yacht but conceded he mishandled the public furor over his decision to dock the vessel in Rhode Island. He painted "Newport" on the back of his New Zealand built yacht.
I would also add that this ultra-rich sub human carried on in 2004 about American executives who moved business overseas to avoid taxes being "Benedict Arnolds."
24 posted on
08/01/2010 2:35:43 PM PDT by
("Subtlety is not going to win this fight": NJ Governor Chris Christie)
To: Libloather
I’d love to see a photo of the $7M yacht — is it named “The Gigolo”?
28 posted on
08/01/2010 2:44:07 PM PDT by
(Cameras, cameras--never forget to bring your cameras)
To: Libloather
Thanks for posting but why did you write hugh caption?
This a FR lingo.Report just the facts please but really lol.
It makes this site look bad when self titles like this and the ones with HUSSEIN in the title are breaking news. I mean the Hussein ones are his middle name and I get it but his name is Barry Soetoro too. :)
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