Thats what they alled patriotism in the old days. Rangel assumes that racial or ethnic minority soldiers are not patriotic.
Try putting that over on Lt.Col, West ( retired) who is running for a Florida congressional seat.
The real problem for Rangel andhis leftists is hat soldiering makes racial and ethnic minority soldiers into patriots. They want that stopped.
Why? Ask youself why the DOJ will not let soldiers serving overseas vote by absentee ballot this November?
Rangel is a trasonous SOB. A crooked one at that. Sooner gone, the better.I would like to see him in Afghanistan,walking the line.
Fascism on the rise.
We want Acorn like mobs in national service, dedicated to the community organizing nationalist socialist model, not patriots! /s
>>>>Thats what they called slavery in the old days.<<<<
>>Thats what they alled patriotism in the old days. Rangel assumes that racial or ethnic minority soldiers are not patriotic. <<
Whoa, whoa, whoa...
My point is that Rangel is trying to press people into “national service” (servitude), under the false equivalence to military service.