More like the East German Stazi. Where up to a quarter of the population was spying on the other 3/4.
The vast number of those with Top Secret clearances could mean that lots of great work is being done in a wide variety of areas to advance our abilities to defend ourselves against our foes.
Or it could mean vast amounts of duplication, obfuscation, waste, fraud, and abuse.
We'll never know.
You need a Queens level security clearance to find that out? < /sarcasm>
Diana West could profit a great deal from learning the difference between having a clearance, and having access to secret stuff.
Shame they’ll tear up St. E’s for this. Although it’s in DC’s war zone, it’s been around since the Civil War. The grounds are beautiful and the buildings (although some are falling apart) are fine examples of late 1800’s architecture. Arguably, it’s the longest maintained area of DC.
I worked there in the early 90’s. The grounds were amazing. There were Civil War graves pre-dating Arlington, and the magnolias were huge.
Too many TS clearances given out. The Stasi wasn’t privy to all State secrets, just those the agent needed to know. Our actions regarding TS clearance mirror those of the former GDR.
Imagine the 30,000 or so employees having to schlep out to Anacostia. There is no Metro access there. The traffic in that area already is a nightmare and the streets are inadequate. If they move the entire department out there, it will be a disaster. It is my understanding they are going to move the Coast Guard headquarters there first.
There are about 18 levels of security clearance above top secret.
Monica had top secret when she ‘worked’ at the Pentagon.
Top Secret does not really give you access to the highest level of security.
There are no friends left behind if we all do the Safety Dance:
BHO doesn’t have a security clearance. He’s not required to & couldn’t qualify for one anyway.
I had a TS Clearance when I was in the DoD world plus COMSEC. However, I went out of my way not to see or learn the “goods” or the classified information. On COMSEC, management wanted me to have access to the COMSEC Safe and I told them I rather not have the combo and refused it. I would deal with the equipment part but didn’t want the combo. Plus if you screwed up with COMSEC, they throw your @$$ in jail for a long, long time ! I didn’t want to deal with their painful audits either.
I don’t miss having a clearance now since I am out of the DoD contracting world except the part to be able to apply for jobs that require the clearances.
A ridiculous premise that can only have been proposed by someone who doesn't understand basic information security and its foundational "need to know" principle.