Can’t wait for the Sherrod’s to start donning sheets and hoods, carrying rope, and finding a strong oak tree to hang some white folks....Maybe then, the liberals will call the Sherrods “racist”.
This couple nothing more than the Black Ku Klux Klan
“This couple nothing more than the Black Ku Klux Klan.”
They dream of becoming the Mau Mau.
They even named their son after Jomo Kenyatta, leader of the genocide againts white landowners in Kenya.
What gets me is that these nan de pandy white liberals don't even see it as they live in their little la la land.
Maybe they should go and live in a ghetto like I have and have white this and white that called to us every day.
White la la lands liberals only see what they want to see.
It doesn't help when we have idiot liberal teachers in the school telling kids at an early age how the white person did this and that while ignoring what blacks did to each other too.
Plus what is this African American crap(which I never say)when talking about blacks in this country
Most of them cannot even name 3 countries from there let along tell anyone which country their ancestors came from.There is also white Africans too and the term African American describing blacks is just plain ignorance to history and geography