Have it your way. I sure would like to see valid data re: dirty gasoline and attempts to clean it up. Keep in mind I am neither a petroleum engineer nor an environmental whacko, so I have a high level of distrust.
I’m gonna take a lot of convincing!
Just spent two + hours resurrecting my Yamaha EFI 2800 generator, which refused to run — drained old gasahol, refilled tank with premium, added Sta-Bil blue and a carb cleaner. Got it running on spray carb cleaner until FResh gas got to carb.
Last time I had it running, I had to leave choke on all the time, and it ran crappy. I had no idea that the gasahol was the problem. Runs now with the choke open.
BTW, if the stuff is so damn good, why is there a $.47 per gallon subsidy? I hate it that tax payers take it on the chin so corporations like Archer Daniels Midland can run up their balance sheet.
Get rid of the subsidies and the import duty ($.51/gallon) on ethanol, and then maybe we can have a debate.
BTW, where does one purchase E30 or E40? And why would one want to do so, particularly with an older engine?
Oh, my ‘65 GTO also experienced the same symptoms until I added Sta-Bil blue and FResh gasahol, which, except for race gas or aviation fuel, is all I can buy in Jacksonville.
AND, mixing ethanol gas and non-ethanol gas is a NO! NO! Creates a sludge that is a bitch to clean out.
I hate ethanol!
Ethanol is the favorite whipping boy now for any breakdowns in internal combustion engines. They did also break down before ethanol became mandated, but today, ethanol gets the blame.
E-30 to E-40 is a great blend, higher octane, much cleaner burning, I love it. Yes a few stations now carry it but most people mix their own by combining E-85 and E-10. It is a very rough and inaccurate way of doing it, but my car does very nicely at up to E-85.
The dirty little secret is that for nearly a hundred years gasoline has been enjoying high subsidies, designed by our politicians to keep pump prices low and voters happy.
Some people put gasoline subsidies at around 2 dollars a gallon, some make a strong case for as much as 15 dollars a gallon. Interestingly, most countries in the world have high gasoline subsides and they still have much higher pump prices than we do.
What we need to do is cut out all gasoline subsidies, then ethanol would sell like hotcakes, being much cheaper than gasoline. But we will not do that because it would be political suicide for politicians to eliminate subsidies and let gasoline float to its true costs.
Engineers have spent billions of dollars trying to clean up gasoline, but not very successfully.
Your Yamaha failed to run because of dirty gasoline, a very common problem. After you cleaned out the old dirty gas, it ran.
The gasoline subsidy is around twice the ethanol subsidy today, and has been very high for generations. Politicians support high gasoline subsidies to keep pump prices down, and keep consumers happy and voting for them.
If we could get rid of the gasoline subsidies to level the playing field we would not need an ethanol subsidy.
I dont have problems with my 92 LeBaron, but a vehicle that has been running on straight gasoline will have dirty fuel lines. The ethanol will clean out the lines and plug up the gas filter.
When you mix ethanol with dirty gas, you precipitate out the dirt in the gas, sometimes creating a sludge.