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To: Taxman

Ethanol is the favorite whipping boy now for any breakdowns in internal combustion engines. They did also break down before ethanol became mandated, but today, ethanol gets the blame.

E-30 to E-40 is a great blend, higher octane, much cleaner burning, I love it. Yes a few stations now carry it but most people mix their own by combining E-85 and E-10. It is a very rough and inaccurate way of doing it, but my car does very nicely at up to E-85.

The dirty little secret is that for nearly a hundred years gasoline has been enjoying high subsidies, designed by our politicians to keep pump prices low and voters happy.

Some people put gasoline subsidies at around 2 dollars a gallon, some make a strong case for as much as 15 dollars a gallon. Interestingly, most countries in the world have high gasoline subsides and they still have much higher pump prices than we do.

What we need to do is cut out all gasoline subsidies, then ethanol would sell like hotcakes, being much cheaper than gasoline. But we will not do that because it would be political suicide for politicians to eliminate subsidies and let gasoline float to its true costs.

71 posted on 07/26/2010 1:01:41 PM PDT by larry hagedon (born and raised and retired in Iowa.)
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To: larry hagedon

1. I do not believe a word I read in the NY Times.

2. I believe you are one of these folks who have bought completely into the “green” revolution, and therefore, your opinions are biased against other solutions.

3. You referred me to the web site I referenced as my source for ethanol problems in my motorhome. Fuel testers is where I first learned of the detrimental effects of using gasahol.

4. I agree that subsidies adversely influence markets. That is why I advocate for the FairTax.

5. I really do not wish to continue this conversation. I have solved my problem.


73 posted on 07/26/2010 4:38:24 PM PDT by Taxman (So that the beautiful pressure does not diminish!)
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