The Hidden Hitler and The Pink Swastika books both outline the goals of the homosexual agenda for societies.
Hitler was sexually dysfunctional which is proved in the books, although they can not say for sure he was a homosexual—one thinks he was most likely a coprophiliac— but he had a lot of close homosexual friends. All this information has been “hidden” but there is WAY more evidence that Hitler was a queer than there ever was that Lincoln was—so what possibly could be the reason for the hush hush.
(Oh, it points out that twisted, dehumanizing acts desensitizes the person which easily transfers into other dehumanizing acts and bullying).
I am talking about the type of in-your-face homosexuals that formed the NAZI brownshirts—a largely homosexual outfit. The Hitler Youth was founded and organized by homosexuals who wanted access (and did have access) to boys.
Homosexuality was joked about in Europe as the National Vice of Germany.....boys were being initiated into the practice through their “boy scouts” which later became their Hitler Youth founded and directed by homosexuals before 1900—a recreation of the ideal army of Sparta.
This book outlines everything with footnotes and books written in the 50’s and before. It was very well researched. Is it any wonder that his book keeps being labeled as “myth” on that unbiased website Wikipedia.
Hmmmm What MSM tries to hide and twist is amazing. But I guess they really want to destroy our culture—to create their vision of “utopia”.
Both are on Amazon.