If anyone we send it to is actually a racist they will not send the clips on. They will not want to face the truth about just exactly where racism comes from in America. They will not want to learn the truth about who the people are who promote and use the “race card” at every opportunity to promote racism, in an attempt to divide Americans. Those will be the folks who do not send the links below to anyone.
When anyone says that racism is alive and well in America, I say it is only alive with a VERY FEW people in our country. I know that most Americans are NOT racist and will not tolerate racism. They will work to spread the truth spoken by the patriots in the video clips below. Thanks for your help to get the truth out!
Project 21’s Mychal Massie - Fear of the Tea Parties a Good Thing
Project 21 Chairman Mychal Massie: “We're Americans”
National Black Conservative Press Conference: Bob Parks
Tea Party Member Discusses “Exploitation Of Black Americans”
Black Conservatives Rebut Tea Party Racism Claims
Reporters Harrass Black Conservatives at Tea Party Press Conference
Black Conservatives on 14th Amendment and Anchor Babies
PS: If you really want to learn about the history of racism in America please go to the link below and read, read, and read some more. If you do not believe what you are reading, just do your own research. You will find that everything at the web site below is the absolute truth. :)
PSS: If you want to learn about the new Organization that should replace the NAACP, please go to the link below and learn about the NAACPC Organization.