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To: seekthetruth; shuck and yall; BA63; FreeMason126; gmcjeep; Jessica-The-First; Amore; IRhino; ...

RALLY TO END RACISM Tuesday, July 27th, 2010 Orlando City Hall, 6:00 p.m.

Please join us on the steps of Orlando City Hall at 6 p.m., as Dan Fanelli, Congressional Candidate in Florida's 8th District, will endorse “The National Association for the Advancement of Conservative People of all Colors,” and call for the end of racism in America.

Additional speakers at the event will include:

MC Tom Martin, Blogtalk radio show host from “United For Freedom”

Ron McCoy, from

Dr. Juan Torres, from
a speaker from Floridians United/Orlando Tea Party ,
as well as local musician(s).

Accepting the endorsement for the NAACPC will be Frantz Kabreau, their National Director and the grandson of the former President of Haiti.

The goal of the NAACPC is to end Identity Politics forever. The organization believes: “We need to maintain the Soul of America. We must be proud of our Great Country. We must defend the values that make us exceptional. Our organization is not driven by hate, but by LOVE. Love of God, Love of Family and Love of Country!However, we must unite against the forces that thrive upon racial divide”.

Dan Fanelli believes very strongly in the core values of the NAACPC and believes that any form of racism is wrong. Fanelli said, “The recent racist comments by the New Black Panther Party and accusations made by the NAACP that there are racist elements in the Tea Party Movement, do not attempt to unify, but instead continue the philosophy of tension, hate, and division based on skin color. We must unify our country with love based on core values and principals, not on our color or race. With the many challenges facing our country today, we must join together as diverse and beautiful people of all colors and truly be one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all!”

Dan Fanelli is a born leader, and honed his leadership skills while attending the U.S. Naval Academy, as a Navy Pilot and Officer, and as an airline Captain. He retired with 20 years of service as a Naval Aviator (active duty and reserves). Fanelli said some of his proudest years of service to America were when he served under the leadership of Ronald Reagan as his Commander- in-Chief. Dan is the only veteran in the race for the Republican nomination in the 8th Congressional District to face and defeat Alan Grayson. Hope to see you in Orlando on Tuesday evening! Jean

56 posted on 07/22/2010 5:50:26 PM PDT by seekthetruth (Dan Fanelli US House FL 8 --- Allen West US House FL 22 --- Marco Rubio - US Senate)
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To: seekthetruth; Woebama; Maggiegoo; springloans; spunky lady; Sridikulus; srussey; StandTale; ...
Tuesday, July 27th 6 pm
on the steps of
Orlando City Hall


Featuring Lloyd Marcus,
Nationally known speaker & performer from Tea Party Express promise an exciting, enlightening, and entertaining evening!

Gina Incandela,
Nationally known 8 year old who sings for the Orlando Magic as well as many other nationwide events!

This important Unity Event has grown from a small ceremony to a public forum where Veteran and Naval Aviator Dan Fanelli, Candidate for US Congress in the 8th Congressional District, will endorse the NAACPC.

Fanelli’s Call for Unity:
“At a time when our nation faces so many significant problems, it is clear that we must overcome any and all prejudice and racism! I am calling for people of all colors and all religions to come together and end racism, as we work together as brothers and sisters in unity solving our nation's economic, environmental, and political problems. We must join together as diverse and beautiful people of all colors and truly be “one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all!”

Accepting the endorsement for the NAACPC will be Lloyd Marcus, President of the NAACPC and Frantz Kabreau, National Director, and the grandson of the former President of Haiti.

The NAACPC believes:
“We need to maintain the Soul of America. We must be proud of our Great Country. We must defend the values that make us exceptional. Our organization is not driven by hate, but by LOVE. Love of God, Love of Family and Love of Country!
...we must unite against the forces that thrive upon racial divide”.

Dan Fanelli believes very strongly in the core values of the NAACPC and believes that any form of racism is wrong.

Scheduled to speak:
Lloyd Marcus
Dan Fanelli
Frantz Kebreau

MC, Tom Martin, Blogtalk radio show host from “United For freedom”:

Ron McCoy, from “West Orlando Tea Party”

Dr. Juan Torres, from “Latinos and Americans United”

A representative from the Republican Party, AND a pledge from candidates of other political races to endorse the NAACPC.

Please spread the word to everyone you know about this important and timely event! Everyone who lives in the Tri-County area or within easy driving distance to Orlando won't want to miss this great “Rally To End Racism”!

See you Tuesday at 6 PM at the Orlando City Hall! Jean St.Pete, FL

57 posted on 07/24/2010 3:55:16 PM PDT by seekthetruth (Dan Fanelli US House FL 8 --- Allen West US House FL 22 --- Marco Rubio - US Senate)
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