I'm not sure what he means by “institutional racism”, but I think the division of the races in America is far worse than before Obama came into power. Other than that, I really like his statement as “I see myself as American...” not a hyphenated American, yet he is proud of his heritage. His views here are a breath of fresh air.
As for the Dept. of Education being disbanded, I agree (I taught in Florida's public schools for about 30 years). It accomplishes nothing that I can see; is a huge money hole; and is a good place to put friends as “pay back” for their help in getting elected.
I am on my 4th year of retirement and my goal is to see our state of Florida go solid Conservative in the US House and also put the best Conservative in the Senate and Governorship. We can do it, and we MUST!
Many folks think they will sit back and see who wins the August Primary races before supporting the conservative candidates. We need to focus on the PRIMARY ELECTION COMING IN AUGUST in order to have the very best candidates to face the Socialist/DEMS in November!
Allen West (FL-22) and Dan Fanelli (FL-8) are two of the very best Constitutional Conservatives we need to face Ron Klein and Alan Grayson in November!
I hope Freepers in every Florida district will get active NOW if they are not already, and support the best conservative running in the primary in their districts. We only have 9 incumbent Socialist/DEMS to vote out of office in our 25 FL Congressional Districts come November. We MUST TAKE OVER the US House come November! But we MUST work now to see that the best conservatives win the August Primary!