I have always liked West. He took care of his troops. That is a CO’s damn job. He did his job while the PC, MC punks ran him out of the damn Army. Now Colin powell, his hero, was not the man West has been led to believe. Powell could not put down his own race rioting in late 73. It took an SF SGM who was the S3 NCOIC for the 3rd BDE, 2nd ID.
I served with real combat troopers who never once said- I am Black, Hispanic, Indian, ETC. They just did their jobs. I never saw color of skin. I saw a soldier as either good or bad. Did I want him with me in combat when the bullets flew and explosions hit the fan? That was how we judged a man from officer to NCO.
I do like West. I am wrong about many things. The Army, after the US pulled out of RVN, started these EEOC classes, add college classes for men with no GED/HS Diploma. The Pro Life BS was too much for me. These men were not soldiers. They were slackers led by slackers for NCO’s in route stepping leg units. Few NCO’s drew pro pay in the line unit BN’s and BDE’s. SAD.
“Did I want him with me in combat when the bullets flew and explosions hit the fan?”
That’s all that any REAL soldier wants. To know that the guy right next to him in the fighting position has his back and will do his job.