Good luck with that, Obie.
He's gonna need a 90 million man army to take on the gun-owning American public.
Re #167: “ Good luck with that, Obie.
He’s gonna need a 90 million man army to take on the gun-owning American public.”
How long would it take him to ship a large contingent of the Chicom PLA over here?
You don’t really think that China loaned us all that moolah without the Regime putting up some US collateral as a surety, do you?
Why have the Feds been gobbling up State land by the millions of acres? Why won’t they allow more oil exploration or mining? why are all of major oil deposits placed off limits for drilling?
Could it be that the CHICOMS now essentially OWN most of our natural resources?
By defaulting on those loans (since we’ll never be able to pay them back) haven’t our politicians essentially SOLD America to China?
When and how are they going to collect on “their” foreclosed property here in the US?
How many troops does the PLA have anyway, do you know?
I wonder how many Russian & Chinese troops are already here, along with who knows how many foreign mercenaries that the Regimes’ “stimulus money” and the $trillions missing from the FED might have paid for?
The Chicoms might be able to loan BO a number of tanks, artillery batteries, Migs, Sukois and other tactical assets which could neutralize a lot of American Patriots with semi auto AKs and AR-15s.
The US military will probably be too busy being purged or on lock down if they are not bottled up overseas or simply exterminated where they are confined to their bases, disarmed of course.
If you think your little militia group is going toe to toe against a well armed, trained, led, and equipped superior military force, then best of luck to ya!
Toss in the long established domestic and, thanks to open borders, growing Hezbolla Jihad cells (those 35+ Islamburgh style military training camps that the Feds have been ignoring for years are for ... what?) in the many American Muslim enclaves as well as the notoriously vicious LaRAZA ZETAs, and Obie just might have a force to be reckoned with.
A lot of posters in here seem confident to the point of being just a tad cocky that the armed American redneck can whip whatever the World can throw at us any time any where.
I truly hope that you are right about that, and please forgive my lack of a comparable level of confidence.
Survival, if not victory, may indeed be possible - but I’m not kidding myself into believing that if it comes to that, (and pray to Jesus that it does not!) it’s going to be the least bit easy or fun.
Neither global Islam nor Communism, nor the Drug Cartels or various racial supremacy groups are in and of themselves capable of overthrowing the United States of America... but in case you haven’t been paying attention lately, they all - or most of them anyway - have formed an “unholy alliance” of sorts, putting their differences aside for the moment while they put our Nation, our culture, our way of life, prosperity and our FREEDOM squarely in their common sights.
There is plenty of plunder left here for the looting, American women & children for the raping, and “crackers”/Infidels/Capitalists for the slaughter.
That’s more incentive than Barbarians throughout history have ever been able to pass up, especially when their target is destroying itself from within.
By the looks of things in the MidEast, things could go critical mass any day now, and I opine that as soon as the Iran / Israel thing breaks, something will happen here to keep us right the heck out of it.
Regardless of who puts the most chess pieces on the board, it promises to be an interesting game.
Stay tuned...