Under general circumstances...
If you get challenged by the police when you’re carrying, don’t follow any order that requires you to put your hands on or anywhere near your weapon.
Raise you hands up over your head with your fingers spread and keep them there.
Better to be roughed up a bit than to be shot dead.
“If you get challenged by the police when youre carrying, dont follow any order that requires you to put your hands on or anywhere near your weapon.”
Good advice. Something else that might be helpful, shout out “No hablo ingles!” and the cops will probably be more careful, as they wouldn’t want to be accused of harassing a minority. Sure, they’ll be mad later when you’re speaking english, but at least you’ll be alive.
Avoid eye contact and dno’t look at the gun.
In both CCW classes I took, Arizona, Nevada, and a very good advanced combat handgun course, the instructors emphasized what to do if confronted by LEO when you are carrying. We may never know what really happened, but if a cop tells you to get on the ground, that’s what the heck you better do...especially if packing.
Very sad that such a fine young man should have to die this way.