Huh? Have you heard this guy interviewed? Have you? The man is a certified moron - a half-wit - a pinhead. To say that he's intellectually challenged is putting in mildly.
There's a reason that the Democrats are horrified about this development. They've allowed a bonafide dummy to become their nominee for the US Senate race in South Carolina, and there's nothing they can do about it. Their embarrassment couldn't be more extreme.
Trust me, we're not "belittling" Alvin's intelligence. We're really telling it like it is. He's actually stupid.
You make a subjective assertion without replicable data, and take a needless punch at a man. This can only generate sympathy for him We’ve seen five minutes of excerpted sound bites. Is he unprepared? Almost certainly. Is he any more or less intelligent than Sheldon Whitehorse or Al Franken?
Maybe Alvin is just a late-bloomer? I think Alvin might just fit in very well amongst his fellow Democrats in DC.