That is so incredibly sad... I knew he was clueless, but this confirms it. I think he’s delegated ALL of his duties to others and thinks it’s “All Under Control”. He can’t be bothered with any briefings — much less a few hours a day keeping track of the war like his predecessor did, and forget about handling the oil spill — he’s got golf to play, dangit!
What does he mean about “calling our bluff”, anyway... What ‘bluff’??? I honestly think he may be trying to bankrupt the US on purpose, and then stoke the fires of people’s misery by cutting off all gov’t programs saying “we’re broke”, sorry! THEN maybe he’ll try to pass a tax bill to ‘make sure everyone’s getting their SS, SSI, and Welfare checks’.
It sounds to me like he’s definitely wanting to cause a violent “revolution” from the ‘inside’, so to speak. They’re already IN power, so they don’t have to cause the violence themselves directly, but they still need the violence and chaos in order to secure absolute power.
When Barbara Boxer said at Obama’s inauguration that the world was witnessing a “peaceful transition of power”, she didn’t mean the ‘normal’ Republican to Democrat transfer... And, it sounded like an omen of sorts — that we may not have such ‘peaceful’ transfers in the future. I hope I’m wrong though...
The problem with starting any war - especially a civil war - is that the dogs of war may turn on the author of the conflict and rip him to pieces.
Just ask Charles I of England whom Cromwell made a head shorter...
Yes, can you imagine the sinking feeling these CEOs must have gotten in the pit of their stomachs when they realized the POTUS didn’t even understand basic economics?
I agree that it sounds as though this crazy man is deliberately trying to foment race wars, class riots, violent anarchy and whatever. And, yes, for Boxer to say “a peaceful transition to power” does sound ominous — because it refers to the alternative, a violent transition to power. What in Hell’s Bells is that about? It is like she was saying, “Well, normally, to get the kind of power we’re about to take from, and turn upon, the American people requires a brutal war against them, but this is one time in history where we’ll overtake the people without initial violence.”
And, yes, his method does appear to be to up the deficit and spending to unsustainable proportions, then to set up the “fix,” which obviously is going to be the “difficult choice” to HUGELY INCREASE TAXES and HUGELY DECREASE PERSONAL FREEDOM in various ways, in order to continue the wealth transfer payments to the other 50% of the nation. And any objectors will be threatened with being responsible for the horrible civil unrest that Obama — still doing his own version of Jeremiah “Whitey took our land” Wright directly used his office to foment.
It’s horrible.