Exactly, you nailed it and is their main weapon. Now is the time to point out their cult takes the place of thinking. While they demean Christians we can tell them to look in the mirror and ask to prove Global Warming or some other cause of the day.
Pray for Our Troops
Meanwhile over on ABC some interesting stuff actually took place with Jake the snake and Panetta the 100% DNC lackey all the time.
Seems the DNC/regime managers,decided that the war was to be today's topic on all nets since zeros numbers have fallen pretty good and the war is only one of the areas he needs lots of work on. Time to forget the rest.
Panetta began his interview by telling Jake the foot tapper that the regime is stopping all the bad guys who want to attack us. He described who the terrorists are, how bad they are and who we are and how good we are.
He forgot to mention the KSM trial, gitmo,the disaster in Israel how we support Hamas, and avoided Iran for the time being.
And most important of all there was no mention of the Mexicon border.That was seemingly taboo since it never happened and everyone knows our biggest threats may come from there.
Jake the snake then went on to ask Panetta if everything he/the CIA is doing "is above board, legal" and kosher. Guess what? Panetta's response was--yes. eveything we are doing is quite O.K., beter than OK just wonderful!! a salient moment in DNC suckery by the DBM--just too good!!
Panetta throughout the entire interview showed what a slick political hack he truly is making all things political all the time as does the regime.
On the question of Iran Panetta says "yes the new sanctions will work" but Iran will keep building the bomb, keep making progress and the new sanctions won't stop them but yes they are the greatest thing since sliced bread and burkas. Another laughathon moment!
A key moment in the interview was when Panettta relates yet another DNC/regime talking point,that I am sure Rush will have fun with tomorrow, that goes something like this. Iran is about two years away from creating a bomb.
by saying this they let everyone know that they,the regime, will not do sh_t about Iran.
They know that in two years they will be out of power that zero will lose the house and Senate,and white house as well and they have just told us they are passing the problem of Iran back to us since they don't manage.They never have never will and its not a winner for them politically.
Huge moment in the interview,maybe the biggest.
Panetta closes the interview by telling jack the snake how he worries so much about his men and has so many sleepless nights etc etc. he is the consummate politico and there is no wonder Axelrod chose him for the job.