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Police shoot, kill grandmother's dog after raiding wrong house (13 year-old pug named "Wrinkles")
Republican American ^
Posted on 06/24/2010 8:21:50 PM PDT by Chet 99
WASHINGTON D.C. police are investigating after an officer shot and killed a dog that allegedly attacked him while serving a search warrant at a Northwest Washington home Tuesday night.
Marietta Robinson, who lives at the address, said police were unjustified in killing the dog, which she put in the bathroom before police entered the home. Police were searching for her grandson, who the woman said hasnt lived there in so long, not even her 13-year-old dog knew what her grandson looked like.
An officer entered the bathroom over the 62-year-old womans protests and shot the dog, named Wrinkles. As many as eight shots may have been fired, Robinson said.
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TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Front Page News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: banglist; chiefmoose; cw2; cwii; cwiiping; dc; dirtycop; districtofcolumbia; donutwatch; jackbootedthugs; jbt; leo; lping; policestate; rapeofliberty; scumwithbadges; swat; wariscoming; warondogs; waronpugs; wod
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To: Aevery_Freeman
The drug problem is much better controlled by priests and doctors than police. Unfortunately priests are on their way to becoming underground outlaws themselves and doctors are on their way to becoming government bureaucrats.
posted on
06/25/2010 4:34:53 PM PDT
("Flotilla" means "pirate ships running supplies to terrorists.")
To: Paradox
Doesn't it make sense that if someone were hiding in the apartment, that he/she just might be in the bathroom with the dog?The woman asked for permission to put the dog in the bathroom. Doesn't it make sense that they could have A)cleared the bathroom before allowing her to put the dog in there or B)asked her to relocate the dog to the fenced back yard in order to clear the bathroom instead of C)giving her permission to put the dog in the bathroom and then immediately opening the bathroom door and shooting the dog?
Think before you post.
posted on
06/25/2010 4:57:02 PM PDT
("Flotilla" means "pirate ships running supplies to terrorists.")
To: Paradox
It might have been dumb of the cop to go in there, but I think he went in the bathroom to look for the person whom they were seeking. Doesn't it make sense that if someone were hiding in the apartment, that he/she just might be in the bathroom with the dog?
Then since they knew the dog was in there, they could have had the owner take the dog into the back yard before they searched it. The cop intended to kill the dog for a cheap sadistic thrill and as an intimidation technique. It is becoming as common to do this as hand out speeding tickets.
Think before you post.
People who destroy innocent animal life disgust me as much as those that destroy innocent human life and this coward deserves extreme punishment. The message needs to be given to the police that murdering innnocent animals for a cheap thrill or to punish who they think are criminals is not acceptable. Punishment is the job of the courts.
To: Eye of Unk
It’d be pretty easy to do. One claymore facing towards the door, rigged to go off if the door is opened.
posted on
06/25/2010 8:48:13 PM PDT
(Live free or die!)
To: Little Ray
Don’t forget to shoot any birds, too. Heaven forbid that they might ‘parrot’ the entire police conversation in a court of law.
Kinda like a living cell-phone camera.
posted on
06/25/2010 8:58:22 PM PDT
(Live free or die!)
To: gogogodzilla
My advice to people?
Don't call the police unless your being attacked by hords of AIDs infected cannibals...
To: I still care
Go grannie. Drugs or no drugs, when the cops go into a bathroom where they know a little dog is and shoot it eight times when granny warns them and begs them- Im on grannies side.
Stories like this make me think the libertarians are on the right track when they say "the war on drugs" hurts more innocents than it helps. The other side does not like the idea of legalizing or decriminalizing some illegal drugs but I think these raids have gotten out of hand. People are going to do what they are going to do and in turn, they need to be accountable for what they do. Still if we go the libertarian route, we need to be ready to say to the druggies that screw up their lives that "you're a bunch of losers."
Still, we either have to try other tactics than these Nazi era Kripo raids or just declare that we lost and go the libertarian route. It sickens me to hear innocent people and pets that are killed, hurt or falsly accused as the case maybe. I'm a cat lover myself, but I like dogs too, so I understand this lady's anguish.
posted on
06/26/2010 2:07:25 PM PDT
Nowhere Man
(General James Mattoon Scott, where are you when we need you? We need a regime change.)
To: patriot preacher
When you cant tell the difference between cops and criminals tactics where does that leave the citizen at 3am as his door is kicked down by armed men in the dark shooting his dog...?Dead on his living room floor with his Constitutionally legal firearm at his side. Just another isolated incident...
posted on
06/27/2010 12:06:37 PM PDT
(a healthy dose of buckshot will probably get you the last word in any argument.)
To: JrsyJack
Dead on his living room floor with his Constitutionally legal firearm at his side. Just another isolated incident...
You bust into one too many of the WRONG houses at 3am in the dark and there are gonna be several dead LEO’s strewn around that that dead citizen’s corpse as well. And his widow is gonna be ONE rich woman — with the PRECINCT building NAMED after her dead, innocent husband, and the cops in charge of the botched raid in prison playing patsy with some of the fellows they sent up for, oh, 5-15....
posted on
06/27/2010 1:11:35 PM PDT
patriot preacher
(To be a good American Citizen and a Christian IS NOT a contradiction. (
To: Rebelbase
Ill get you and your little dog......... LOL +1 on this one. Deftly played. Of course, to get a perfect 10 you should have included this:
posted on
07/02/2010 4:13:31 AM PDT
(There are many moderate Muslims, but there is no such thing as a moderate Islam. -- Geert Wilders)
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