Posted on 06/22/2010 1:08:48 PM PDT by SmithL
Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums doesn't seem to do much on the job these days -- but he went into meltdown Monday when veteran KTVU political reporter Randy Shandobil had the temerity to ask why he's been missing in action as one of the most crime-challenged cities in the nation faces a devastating layoff of a quarter of its police force.
"Who the (blank) are you to decide what my role is?" a raging Dellums told Shandobil in a phone call Monday, after the Oakland-based reporter showed up at City Hall to ask why Dellums has been seen at high profile boxing matches lately while being a no-show at major budget meetings and city council sessions where Oakland's fiscal crisis is Topic A.
Shandobil's solid report Monday asked the question that every taxpayer in town wants to know: "Where's the mayor?"
Dellums not only bridled at that question -- he apparently thinks he's too important to take part in such lowly matters as keeping cops walking the beat. He angrily told Shandobil in the phone call that -- don't you know? -- "I am the CEO of the city."
"The President of the United States,'' said Dellums, "does not sit and negotiate with unions. I have a staff to do that."
Well, well. None of this regal let-them-eat-cake outlook is new to Oaklanders, as our Chronicle Comrade Chip Johnson has long reported from the East Bay, and wrote again last week.
"I've received a few e-mails from Oakland residents who've reported Dellums' sightings at a grocery store in the Oakland Hills -- in the middle of the day during the work week,'' Johnson wrote last week. "But around Oakland City Hall, it would be a lot easier to find Waldo."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Typical Red Ron behavior.
Let me guess, the reporter is white, and Dellums can play to his racist base by attacking the questioner rather than answer the question? Did I get it right?
Filed under “People deserve the politicians they vote for”
Dellums makes Jerry Brown look competent.
Ding! Ding! Give the man a cigar...
Good Ol’ ‘Red’ Dellums.
Old commies never die...they just become mayor of Oakland.
Yes -- KTVU's Randy Shandobil
Dellums is starting to sound like Maynard G. Krebs: “Work?!”
He’s the next Kwame Kilpatrick.
It’s why I no longer have any sympathy for the plight of the “black commnunity:...
Mayor taking his cue from the Lazy and Incompetent One...
Let me guess, the reporter is white, and Dellums can play to his racist base by attacking the questioner rather than answer the question? Did I get it right?”
Pretty close..
Randy Shandobil is white, & seems to be a pretty smart reporter.
Dellums will be very sorry he took this guy on in such a manner.
Oakland is a SH__hole that deserves everything it gets.
They are totally corrupt.
The gangs there & the residents all cry a river when someone gets gunned down—but none of the 40 or so witnesses ‘saw or heard anything’.
Being a cop there has to be the most frustrating job in the world. Surely, those cops can find another job elsewhere. Leave the savages to their own results.
Hey, the morons of Oakland get what they deserve.
Same goes for the bulletheads that elected Stroker.
Aw now, be FAIR to the guy. After all, being in Oakland he sees that most of the REST of his race doesn’t why should he??!!!
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