Yea that's a high demand eduction... (/s)
These liberals probably think they deserve to have a job created just to fit their "education".
Washington DC, the government, and the wonderful wacky world of the NGOs, are already staffed to the gills with many, many leftist dweebs sporting just such degrees, at the Masters and Doctoral level of course.
The semi-essential credential is a set of well-known leftist parents. Failing that qualification, the correct pigmentation and a Mexican grandmother are most helpful (mandatory actually). Other tips: Wear a Che Guevara Tee, instead of shaking hands, raise a clenched fist. Don't smell too good. Talk up Lula and Hugo Chavez, as you wax earnestly on about Morales and the Environment.
The govrelatedworld where the jobs are being created, wants politically correct useless people of color. Not useless whinging white suburban dweebs who couldn't hack college algebra. (A remedial course for those who couldn't hack HS Algebra, after flunking Arithmetic).
My septuagenerian advice: learn Spanish, take up yard work, be available to ACORN for "extra" work in staged crowd scenes. Become an SEIU Thug or Thugette (They have no real jobs for white people either) And shut up while I enjoy a a frosty and a good laugh at your expense, Left Wing perennial children.