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To: unseen1
Oh where to begin?  By apolgizing perhaps?  By coming clean perhaps?  By admitting you're running a disinformation process here, to muddy the waters?  By admitting you've been lying your ass off?  This would be the best place to begin.

first off I DO NOT CARE about the JD and McCain match up.  Lie 01

they are two peas in the pod.  Lie 02

When all is said and done.  Ah, yes?

I think JD will vote how the GOP leadership tells him to vote on most issues.  J. D. has been sound on the issues over the years.  He may made a mistake once in a while, we all do, but J. D. isn't anybody's puppet and he can think for himself on matters of imporance.  You have absolutely nothing to present that indicates otherwise.  So while I can't categorically state this as another bald faced lie, any idiot could mistakenly hold this opinion, that's what I still believe it to be.  You are here on a mission, and that mission is to solidify the following ideas.

1. Hayworth is no better than McCain.
2. If Hayworth is the same as McCain, we might just as well put the old fraud back in the Senate for another six years.
3. All Conservative canidates are no better than Leftist candidates, because they'll all vote as the leadership tells them to.
4. And since they'll all vote as the leadership tells them to, it doesn't make any difference who we vote in.

Please, by all means tell us what Democrats J. D. Hayworth has teamed up with to submit extreme Leftist legislation on the floor of the House, like McCain has in the Senate.

You're a disrupter.  You're a propagandist.  You are a subverter of the truth.

If we were to accept your message on face value, it would make no difference who we voted for.  As long as they had an (R) behind their name, everything would be peachy.

Well I don't buy that sack of s--t!  No true Conservative would.  It does make a very important difference who we elect for office.  And if Sarah holds your views, she is no more worthy of holding elected office than John S. McCain is.

JD will be stronger on immigration and if that is your issue then vote for him.  He'll be stronger on issue after issue across the board.  And you damn well know it.

However on most things he like the other foot soldiers will vote how the GOP leadership tells them too be it JD, Carly, Devore, etc.  J. D., Carley, and DeVore are three separate people.  They each hold different views.  Two of them have been solid for Conservatism, and one of them hasn't been.  Fiorina has never espoused Conservative ideals until this election season.  She is a fraud.

Carly Fiorina has only donated to Leftist candidates.  Carly Fiorina sat on a U. N. affiliated commission.  We don't need any more Leftist/globalists in Washinton, D. C.

Second our disagreement is not about McCain.  Lie 03

You have been providing cover for McCain constantly on this thread.  You have been besmirching Hayworth's record the whole time.  You're a bald faced liar.

If you think that no wonder it has taken you 5 days to say the same thing over and over.  Yes, I've been calling you on the fact that you have been desiminating misinformation on behalf of McCain for going on six days now.  I've been calling you on being a liar for six days now.  Why?  Because you have been lying for going on six days, and have been trying to muddy the waters to McCain's gain for six days now.  Duh.  You're really not very good at this are you.  If you were good at it, you wouldn't be getting your ass kicked on point constantly.

Your defenses are pathetic.  The amount to, "Oh, I'm not doing that.", when folks can read your posts and tell it's exactly what you're doing.  REFERENCE

Our disagreement is what is better for the conservative cause.  Yes, that's what you would have people believe.  But it all boils down here to John S. McCain has not been the traitor to our cause that he has been.  And even though you state you don't care about his election, you still go out of your way to state that J. D. Hayworth is poured out of the same mold as John, and would be no better for our cause than John.  If you truly believe that, you are an idiot.  If you don't, you're a plant.  If you don't, you're simply gaming the system here and by rights, should be give the boot for it.

Electing footsoldiers or leaders.  Good solid foot-soldiers turn into leaders.  Leftists, RINOs, turn into something else, namely allies of our political enemies.  And these days, that means the enemies of our nation, in every sense of the word.  One can look at what one of those so-called foot-soldiers can do, if he has been turned to the dark side.  Here's a case study on the subject.  John S. McCan's personal and political record.  I included his personal actions, because they help reveal what a depraived reprobate the man is and always has been at his core.  His record goes back over sixty years, and at every step of the way John was a vile person.

You seem to think footsoldiers will move the GOP more to the right.  Foot-soldiers don't just vote.  They also step in front of a camera, appear on talking head shows, and are capable of hurting Conservatism immeasurably do to this ability.  So when you get John S. McCain on the weekend talking head shows, ripping apart Conservative ideals, and heralding the Leftist dogma, it does incalculable damage to Conservatism's image, and the ability to establish and strengthen a foothold on the minds of our citizenry.  One comment can turn an election.  One!

When asked, John stated, "You have nothing to fear from an Obama presidency."  That one comment may have cost John the election.  If the main opposition to a candidate can't see any real problem with his political adversary winning, it becomes a pseudo endorsement of sorts in the minds of anyone sitting on the fence.  "Well, even John said it was okay to vote for Obama.  Nothing to fear by doing it then..."

And you can't see this.  Remind me again how J. D. Hayworth is no better than McCain.  I don't remember him saying, "Nothing to fear...", "I have a great deal of respect for the Democrats and their fine goals."  John did.

Foot-soldiers my ass, you're a damed liar.

I have seen footsoldiers in Congress vote pretty much straight GOP leadership wishes for the past 30 odd years I doubt if anything will change that.  So you are not aware of Snowe, Graham, McCain, Collins, Spector and other RINO votes that killed us on legislative matters before the U. S. Senate then.  So what credibility can you possibly claim if you are this ignorant of U. S. Senate vote dynamics?

No matter how many conservative footsoldiers we elect without proper conservative LEADERSHIP it doesn't matter.  It does matter.  Our members vote against the leadership's wishes on important issues.  The ones that don't, are the very people you think it's okay to place in Congress.  And in your mind it's no problem at all when our Senate members split off and vote with the Democrats on issues like the people I just mentioned are prone to do.  And yet, you think we should listen to your sage advise here.

Got that. Carly will at the end of the day vote for the leaderships wishes.  Just like
Snowe, Graham, McCain, Collins, Spector and other RINOs do?  Lie 03

Let me repeat since you seem to be dense.  Lie 04  I have verbally kicked your ass repeatedly here.  In light of that, what does that make you?  In my last response prior to this one, I ripped you to shreds.  You opened the door with a number of comments that make you look borderline skitzoid.  "I don't back John S. McCain."  vs "J. D. is no different than John." vs "John McCain should be returned to the Senate."  You were all over the map.  You claim not to support him, then do that very thing.  I've called you on that for days, and you still can't help yourself.

You are embarrassing yourself and Plain, and you haven't the tools to grasp it on any level.

McCain is not my favorite candidate.  Lie 05

There is lot of things I do not like about him.  Lie 06  We have been going at this for going on six days now, and not once have you stated you agreed with any portion of the list I created to document John S. McCain's sordid past.  You have at best mentioned one or two things you didn't like about him, and then immediate added, "...but J. D. Hayworth is no better."

the same goes for JD.  Lie 07  I have asked you to provide a list of what J. D. has done that is in any way shape or form like John.  You have refused to provide that list for six days.  Here's the list I developed for John once again.  John's sordid history...

Where's the beef?

Two peas in the same pod.  Lie 08 
Where's the beef?

vote for who ever you like I DO NOT CARE about the McCain vs JD match-up.  Lie 09

It's like watching two cats fight over who will get to eat the mouse and we are the mouse.  Lie 10  Once again an inference that J. D. is no better than John S. McCain.  FAIL  Where's the beef?

doughtyOne, I am going to say this with all the kindness I can.  Lie 11  Setting yourself up to lie about me with this type of nonsense, is in itself another untruth.

Your hate for McCain has pushed you over the edge.  Lie 12  Telling folks what John S. McCain has done, and providing documented news reports that verify what I am saying, is not evidence of hatred.  It's evidence of historical significance that reveals John S. McCain has been integrally connected to the worst Democrats of all time, and verified enemies of our nation too.  So parse away, it's not going to change reality one bit.

You see things that are not there.  Lie 13  And evidently hundres of news editors and reporters around the nation do too.  They have published reports and I have linked both those report and video of John himself.  And once again, you're lying your ass off to protect a man that you say you do not support.  You are a liar.  You are a fraud.  You are a Leftist.  By even participating here, you are committing a fraud.

I have stated over and over and over and over again I could care less about McCain.  Yes you have.  You have lied about that matter countless times on this thread, and I documented it a number of times in my last post to you prior to this one.

I do not belittle JD I state the facts.  Lie 14

JD voted for medicare part D a $8 trillion dollar boondoggle that makes tarp seem small.  While I agree that this vote was inappropriate, the initial funding was about $600 million, hardly the $8 trillion dollars you state here.  That does not mean that Medicare Part D will not cost us trillions over time, and I was dead set against it when it passed.  Earlier on this thread, I agred with you on this topic.

I also took the time to remind you I have documented over 175 things McCain did over the years, that make it irrefutable that he is the worst Republican in our party's history.  So one item being bad, that leaves you over 174 to go, to make Hayworth look anything near as bad as you have tried to smear him as being.

Where's the beef?

JD voted lock step with the Bush liberal spending.  Lie 15  Until you get off your ass and document what your spewing, your comments will be considered lies.

Where's the beef?

that vote alone makes him part of the problem not the solution in my book. anyone that would vote for such an expansion of governmental power and spending can never be called a conservative out for small government.  If you're talking about the Medicare Part D again, God knows why since we agree it was bad, I find it rather pathetic.  What it reveals, is that you have nothing else to mention.  You make these blanket statements as if they are justified on faith in you, after all the lies, and I just shake my head realizing how pathetic or devious you are.

You're firing blanks.

You tell me that it means nothing that I have documented over 175 things McCain has done wrong, but that one thing you found out about J. D. destroys him.  You're a fruit-cake.

JD also voted for most if not all of Bush's budgets as far as I know.  Lie 16  As far as you know?  I hope you have toilet paper handy for that stuff eminating from your oral cavity.

that is not BELITTLING someone that is stating facts .  Lie 17  As far as you know, is now evidence of a fact in your mind?

JD was a member of the ways and means committee, which over sees taxes and helps draft those budgets. JD's committee were the ones responsible to a large degree for sun setting the Bush tax cuts instead of making them permanent.  Lie 18  Slandering someone based on myriads of legislation that passed through their committee without specifics is a smear.  What specific bill did J. D. vote for?  Why was it bad?  Were there competing issues in the same bill, that caused him to vote for the bill anyway, because part of it was necessary?  Were there enough votes to get a bill passed that made tax cuts permanent?  Did he do the best he could at the time?  You are a real ass.

McCain is NO BETTER.  Lie 19  The problem is, he is the worst Repbulican in our party's history.  No better?  Then why are you defending him repeatedly?  You're lying.

so by all means continue to support whoever you want (I will repeat it one last time I DO NOT CARE ABOUT JD nor McCain)  Lie 20

but please stop with the effort to paint JD as the second coming.  Lie 21  I have never said J. D. was perfect, or Christ like.  What I have said repeatedly, is that John S. McCain has dealt with the worst players our nation has ever seen.  He played patsey with Communist Vietnam. He plays patsey with the U. N.  He played patsey with the worst Democrats in our nation's history.  He played patsey with some of the worst private sector communists/socialists/marxists in our nation's history.  He played patsey with foreign nationals to game our nations border and security issues.  This is what Palin and you have signed on to support.

Any time you two want, you can quit defending McCain and tearing down J. D. Hayworth.

Finally, the rest of your post is an attempt to rationalize your delusion Lie 22 of my McCain support by using my recorded words of non-support for hidden support. Lie 23  If you truly believe this, it reveals a level of ignorance I'd be ashamed to have folks be aware of.  You try to tear down J. D.  You say he is no better than John.  If you don't care about this race, why do you continually make negative comments about J. D., and continually try to point out that John is not so bad.  Why do you make comments to the effect that it doesn't matter if we send Conservatives or Leftists to represent us in Washington, D. C.?  The answer is, because you know damned well John S. McCain is one of the most prominent leftists in either party.  And by being there in our party again for another six years, he can do terrible harm to our cause, and prevent us from turning things around in Washington, for six more years.

You are acting the part of a Leftist shill, posting lie after lie, and trying desparately to get perhaps the worst elected official other than Obama (as far as Conservatism goes), returned to office.

(I mean for crying out loud seriously?)  Lie by inference 24 And this from the guy who has constantly lied his ass off on this thread.  Seriously?  Where's the beef putzo?

Next you will be telling me black helicopters are flying around your house and you need a tin foil hat to keep the martians at bay. Lie 25  John S. McCain is the enemy of every Conservative in this nation.  Attacking me won't change that.  The newspaper articals and other documentation won't go away because you tried to belittle me.

You've got a traitor to our cause on your hands.  NO SALE!

And since you support Palin, I can only assume she feels the same way you do about McCain.  She's spent months doing spots for him on Arizona Conservative radio stations.  She's made appearance with him in person and on television.  She's backing other Leftists too.

Birds of a feather...

498 posted on 06/17/2010 11:14:44 AM PDT by DoughtyOne (06/15/2010 Obama's Shame-Wow address...)
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To: DoughtyOne
ROFL Lies. LOL Prove its a lie. give me a post of mine where I said McCain was the greatest. You sir are delusional, phyco ward quality delusional.

you know if you and a couple of the other posters living in delusional land are the type of supporters JD attracts it might explain why JD is losing in the polls. I mean you are certifiable nuts.

you can't even understand a simple statement like: “I DO not support McCain”

Oh and by the way the initial outlay of medicare part D was not $400 million it was $400 billion. B as in billion.Further the final vote was 216-215. a principled Conservative like JD had the power in his hand to stop the medicare bill. all he had to do was vote no and it would have gone done in defeat. He didn't he voted the party line on that vote. He like all foot soldiers when the chips were down voted how the party leadership told him how to vote. And you think in the Senate he will act differently?

You say I'm smearing your god JD by pointing out that JD voted for medicare part D the biggest expansion of government since LBJ and then you say it was only one vote. Well guess what Tarp was only one vote, Obamacare was only one vote. sometimes it only takes one vote to show you are no conservative but a loyal foot soldier to the party leadership.

per your Lie 18. From JD’s own website he states: “J.D. Hayworth helped write the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003. “

You want some examples besides medicare part d?

fine. JD voted against limiting lobbyists in Washington in
the Lobbying Accountability and Transparency Act

he voted against tax relief from the alternative min tax in favor of capital gains tax in Tax Relief Extension Reconciliation Act

he voted to increase pell grants and increase government spending in the College Access and Opportunity Act

Jd voted for more regulation of political campaigns by increasing reporting requirements on 527-c. in the 527 Reform Act shutting off free speech.

he voted against extending the saver's tax credit in Tax Relief Extension Reconciliation Act

Jd voted against securing our border by not requiring all cargo shipping containers to be scanned and sealed before entering the country in Security and Accountability for Every Port (SAFE) Act ( I wonder how many illegal come in on cargo containers)

he voted against a balance budget and pay go rules in:

Jd voted for Bush's 2006 budget in Congressional Budget for FY 2007

he voted to allow USA government to enter into contracts with companies that incorp offshore to avoid USA taxes. in Hr5576

He voted to increase the Hope IV program in HR5577

He voted to increase Pension Plan costs in Pension Protection Act

The list could go on and on these were just a couple from 2006. JD was in office since 1994. I am not about to go through all his votes. I think I have shown enough to justify my conviction that there isn't much difference between the two JD and McCain. But I'm sure you will call them lies lies all lies (even with verifiable facts to back them up). ROFL. You want more rollcall votes? His votes on every one of Bush's and the GOP budget's from 2000-2006 when bush JD and McCain increased government spending by a rate not seen since LBJ? the facts say that JD voted for billions upon billions, trillions upon trillions of spending just like McCain.

But you know in your twisted world explaining that the two are about the same (just a matter of degrees)when it comes to growing government, spending our tax dollars, and increasing the power of the state over the individual well that's support for McCain.

516 posted on 06/17/2010 4:39:02 PM PDT by unseen1
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