Rush isn’t conservative. He passes for one because the USA has almost zero conservatives and doesn’t really want them. That includes most of the Americans who swear they’re conservative.
And you base your conclusion on the fact that Rush invited Elton John to perform at his wedding?
I agree.
Please, that’s absurd. He believes in civil unions and therefore is not conservative.
Why I am not a conservative by F.A. Hayek
Rush isn’t conservative? Really? How stupid can you possibly be?
I agree 100%!
I would love to have you explain what in your mind a conservative looks like.
Why I am not a conservative by F.A. HayekAt the start of the Twentieth Century the term "liberal" meant the same in America as it still does in the rest of the world - essentially, what is called "conservatism" in American Newspeak. Of course we "American Conservatives" are not the ones who oppose development and liberty, so in that sense we are not conservative at all. We actually are liberals.But in America, "liberalism" was given its American Newspeak - essentially inverted - meaning in the 1920s (source: Safire's New Political Dictionary). The fact that the American socialists have acquired a word to exploit is bad enough; the real disaster is that we do not now have a word which truly descriptive of our own political perspective. We only have the smear words which the socialists have assigned to us. And make no mistake, in America "conservative" is inherently a negative connotation just as surely as marketers love to boldly proclaim that the product which they are flogging is NEW!
I’m up to the sixth post and can’t believe that Rush hasn’t been called a RINO yet. (s)
We are all RINOS now!
A real Conservative refuses to judge people solely on race or religion choice or sexual orientation. We judge people for their accomplishments and capabilities. Elton John is one of the Best entertainers in the world toady.
His shows are immaculate and he refuses to lip sync.
Oh and one more thing about a True Conservative we believe it is none of the Government's business who marries who in fact the government should not have got in the marriage business in the first place. Marriage is after all a religious ceremony. If your choice of religious institution allows you to marry within the same sex or multiple adults or a purple Ford Torino it shouldn't be any of the government's business. And on the other hand if a Church disallows Gays to marry then its their dang business and no one Else's.
For too long we REAL Conservatives have let Religious Zealots and RINOs run the party well its time for all of them to take a seat or find somewhere else to play cuz we've had enough.
Limited government means exactly that. LIMITED! And deciding which adults can marry or who they can have sex with is none of the damn government's business. PERIOD!
Amen to that!
Please, let me use a quote that you were apparently fond enough of to save.
“Oh, shut your damn mouth, Romulus!
48 posted on 03/28/2003 9:23 PM CST by sinkspur”
If Rush isn’t a conservative then neither am I.
I can’t stand gays, I find the thought of them and their sick lifestyle to be about as repulsive as it gets.
However, I don’t give a hoot that Rush hired Elton John. Elton John is an extremely talented entertainer, even though I find him disgusting in every other way.
I’ll just end this post with, “Oh, shut your damn mouth, Romulus!”
So ignorant.