I know it is easy to be a tough guy behind a computer, but I would actually welcome such an event. It appears to me that there is no way this country can ever close the divide that exists between the left and right without some sort of armed combat. I think it will be brief and it may ultimately end in the dissolution of the republic, but I am not sure this republic can survive much longer with almost half the country believing they have a right to take the earnings of the other half. If something has to happen I prefer it happen on my watch rather than pass this untenable situation on to future generations. Please don’t think I hope it comes to revolution - -I clearly hope the ballot box can suffice—but if we can not peacefully resolve our differences then I would rather it happen now than 20 years down the road.
I’d suggest you think long and hard about patriots with light arms taking on tanks, APC’s, artillery, and aircraft.
I’m not a worrier by nature but the Obamanistas give me plenty to chew on. You have to look at what they say as well as what they do and when you put it all together it spells deep trouble for freedom.
It’s obvious that fewer people than usual have read the article.