I imagine her Carly Fiorina nod is unpopular, but Fiorina could be an important backer if Sarah runs. Dad-gum-it, though, I feel BAD for California. First Ahh-nuld and now Carly Fiorina.
“I feel BAD for California. First Ahh-nuld and now Carly Fiorina.”
Yea. Arnold and Carly Fiorina are cut from the same cloth. Arnold is proablrtion and Fiorina is proabortion. Oops. No. She is prolife...endorsed by Susan B. Anthony list.
Well, Arnold is anti Second Amendment and so is Fiorina. Oops. No. The NRA endorsed Fiorina.
Well, Arnnold believes in man made global warming and Fiorina does too. oops. Fiorina ridiculed global warming agitprop, calling it the “weather”.
But Arnold and Carly really are the same. I just have this feeling. /sarc/
agreed. It would have been nice for DEVore to win but he didn’t and thus we are left with supporting Carly or Boxer. The choice is clear to me. I’ll take the center-right candidate over the Marxists any day. Some here on FR appear to rather want the Marxist to win because their first choice didn’t.