If you are referring to DR. Drew's Web MD remarks that is not at all what he is stating.
I used to listen to Loveline every night when I worked the swing shift on my old job. He stated numerous times that it should be legal on there. That being said, this was the closest article I could find that stated it:
Dr. Drew also addressed what is often seen as a taboo subject - the legalization of marijuana. “Go ahead and legalize it,” Dr. Drew said, to the cheers of students. Dr. Drew went on to explain that the country was still using a law dealing with “illegal” drugs that dated back to the early 1900’s. “To say that it [marijuana] is worse than alcohol or other drugs is ridiculous,” Dr. Drew said.
However, another link I found said that he said it should be “almost” legal. I’m not sure what that means to be honest:
I think we should almost legalize it and then have a rational discussion about it. General prohibition doesn’t seem to work. The Harrison Act of 1919 needs to be revisited, based on our most current scientific understanding of addiction and abuse. There should be no moral issues infused in these, it should be based on the clinical realities.