Funny, I never figured Pat Buchanan as a "Blame America"/ anti-semite! He's jumped the shark COMPLETELY with this crap. >:-(
1 posted on
06/03/2010 10:30:34 PM PDT by
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To: pillut48
The Gazans idea of the “basic necessities of a decent life” that is denied them somewhat by the blockade is the right to the sport of murdering Jews at will?
One of Buchanan’s favorite spectator sports.
65 posted on
06/04/2010 11:38:37 AM PDT by
To: pillut48
You obviously never watched ‘Crossfire’.
67 posted on
06/04/2010 11:49:16 AM PDT by
(Few men desire liberty; most men wish only for a just master. -- Sallust)
To: pillut48
He has always been against Israel. Color me shocked. NOT..
68 posted on
06/04/2010 11:51:25 AM PDT by
(Barack Obama- 21st Century Edsel)
To: pillut48
Do what? Pat’s been an old-school Father Coughlin-style anti-Semite for quite a long time.
71 posted on
06/04/2010 11:54:55 AM PDT by
Titus Quinctius Cincinnatus
(We bury Democrats face down so that when they scratch, they get closer to home.)
To: pillut48
Why is it that Pat Buchanan can write very intelligently on any topic which doesn't involve Israel or Jooze, but loses it completely then?
Ron Paul syndrome?
72 posted on
06/04/2010 11:59:11 AM PDT by
(Obama: Fake black man. Fake Messiah. Fake American. How many fakes can you fit in one Zer0?)
To: pillut48
Pat should have to live in the southern part of Israel for a year before he’s allowed to write about Gaza. That is, if he can stand being around the JOOOOOOS that long.
74 posted on
06/04/2010 12:04:43 PM PDT by
Cyber Liberty
(Build a man a fire; he'll be warm for a night. Set a man on fire; he'll be warm the rest of his life)
To: pillut48
But that 2 a.m. boarding of an unarmed ship with an unarmed crew, carrying no munitions or weapons, 65 miles at sea, was an act of piracy.And you know this; how?
lIBERALS: "We found no weapons of mass destruction; therefore BUSH LIED!!"
Pat; do you REALLY want to be the one who allows the ship through the blockade that DOES have all these weapons?
77 posted on
06/04/2010 1:17:05 PM PDT by
(Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...))
To: pillut48
"Funny, I never figured Pat Buchanan ... "
80 posted on
06/04/2010 1:34:15 PM PDT by
To: pillut48
Pat should hop aboard one of those Gaza bound boats full of his and Obama’s Muslim bruthas. How come Pat doesn’t mention here how much he likes Obama’s anti-Israel policy?
81 posted on
06/04/2010 1:37:06 PM PDT by
(History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid - Gen Eisenhower)
To: pillut48
And today, President Obama should end his and his country's shameful silence over the inhumane blockade of Gaza that is denying 1.5 million beleaguered people the basic necessities of a decent life.Danged Zionists! They want to control their own borders!
Now back to those ---- Mexican Catholics the JOOOOOOOOOOOS are flooding our country with . . . [/sarcasm]
82 posted on
06/04/2010 1:40:33 PM PDT by
Zionist Conspirator
("Ha'aretz 'asher `avarnu vah latur 'otah, tovah ha'aretz me'od me'od!")
To: Protect the Bill of Rights
83 posted on
06/04/2010 1:43:42 PM PDT by
(Sarah/Michele 2012)
To: pillut48
Pat’s a long-standing anti-semite. He’s usually pro-America. But perhaps his Jew-hatred trumps his patriotism.
85 posted on
06/04/2010 1:51:20 PM PDT by
Uncle Miltie
(0bummer calls opponents "Teabaggers". So we can call Kagan "Carpet Muncher." Right?)
To: pillut48
Buchanen has a long history of anti-semitism. He and Nixon shared common ground on that one....the Billy Graham tapes proved it.
87 posted on
06/04/2010 2:32:01 PM PDT by
(Retired Army Chaplain and proud of it. Those who truly support our troops pray for their victory!)
To: pillut48
Yes or no, Mr. Buchanan, will you stop abusing mind altering drugs?
88 posted on
06/04/2010 2:36:41 PM PDT by
(Resistance is Constitutional!)
To: pillut48
Just thank God Pat never was president!
89 posted on
06/04/2010 2:44:32 PM PDT by
To: pillut48
Funny, I never figured Pat Buchanan as a "Blame America"/ anti-semite! Where have you been the past several years??? He started this when he ran for President several years ago...
90 posted on
06/04/2010 2:59:19 PM PDT by
(Life is short so drink the good wine first...)
To: pillut48
I'm so glad the Buchanan didn't shy away from this story. It's a very hot issue right now. With the propaganda machine in full spin mode.
Pat has always been willing to suffer the slings and arrows of fools and cowards in order to speak the truth. God bless him!
To: pillut48
I wish I could have read Pat’s scribe in the original German.
92 posted on
06/04/2010 3:17:58 PM PDT by
To: pillut48
Too bad the shark didn’t get him. I can’t believe he is buying into the “poor Palestinian” line. Not the person I thought he was.
Times up, Pat. Go sit with Jesse Jackson and Robert Byrd.
94 posted on
06/04/2010 3:30:47 PM PDT by
(Support freedom! Support the troops! Surrender is not an option!)
To: pillut48
95 posted on
06/04/2010 3:31:48 PM PDT by
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