Thanks for the heartfelt post, Danae. I’m hip to all that you said.
Racism is a terrible human aberration, and thankfully, I haven’t had to deal with all that much of it in this life.
My real complaint was about what the poster said about Obama being able to do what he wants, “because he’s black.” That’s the flip side of racism, which is almost worse than the disease itself.
As you said, we conservatives tend to rate people on their performance in life, not their race, or their cultural origin, as libs do. I operate that way myself, and have no issue with others applying the same standard to me.
Thanks for all you said.
We real thinkers have to stick together. Its what you have between the ears and how you funnel that through your heart and create as real in the world that matters.
There is a book I just loved when I first read it as an adult mind you, never read it as a kid. “The Little Prince” “It is with that heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye” That applies to the mind as much as the heart, and as bad a rap as we get from liberals, we know we aren’t what they label us as in their fear. What’s more, there are more of ‘us’ than there is of ‘them’.
All it takes is waking a few people up at a time to whats been going on and real American History, not what they have been taught. This is the real power of the Tea Party, its a huge movement that is learning all the American History that HAS NOT BEEN TAUGHT IN 2 to 4 GENERATIONS in some places!!! Its gotten to be bigger than just Democrat vs Republican. Its the Government class (this includes those dependent on government be it in subsidies, welfare, jobs, elected officials and the merchant class (businesses) tied in with government like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack) vs. the Citizen class. Its the Citizens who pay for the Government class, and the citizens have had it up to hear. Its surpassed party lines, just look at the Makeup of the Tea Party! It may be 60% Republicans, but that other 40% is made up of Democrats and Independents.
That scares leftists to death. It means their ultimate demise, because they are solidly outnumbered. So they scream racism as a last resort. Stupid is as stupid does.