Posted on 05/27/2010 5:42:25 PM PDT by Retired Intelligence Officer
Quote: On Sept. 27, 2009, the Denver Post reported that the Obama administration offered Senate candidate Romanoff a position if he canceled plans to run for the Democratic nomination against incumbent Sen. Michael Bennet.
The paper said the job offer, which specified particular jobs, reportedly was delivered by Jim Messina, Obamas deputy chief of staff. One position the Post cited was a job at USAID, the foreign aid agency.
Messina contacted Romanoff soon after news leaked in August 2009 that Romanoff, former Colorado House speaker, would make a primary run against Bennet.
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Yeah? So? Where was I talking about that?
Was making a general comment.
Sorry. I thought it was directed at me.
Too bad, he called out the National Guard more than any other Governor of Oklahoma, even threatened to defend against the Feds, he backed down.
Federal Marshals can arrest a setting Governor of a State, as you may recall would have happened to George Wallace, had he not stood down, you tell me again who will stop the President?
Or maybe you remember when Eisenhower threatened the Governor of Arkansas then he federalized the Arkansas National Guard to integrate schools in Little Rock.
In an interview with the Russian newspaper Izvestia, he outlined how the US would divide along ethnic and cultural lines.They are: the Pacific coast with its growing Chinese population; the increasingly Hispanic South; independence-minded Texas; the Atlantic Coast; a central state with a large Native American population; and the northern states where - he maintains - Canadian influence is strong.
I'm glad someone finally took notice of the wild Indians who control everything from St. Louis to Salt Lake City. LOL
Blago was the first felony and this keeps going.
Obama is a crook.
Not in Chicago.
I do remember that. Gov. Orval Faubus was using the Arkansas Nat. Guard to block nine black students from going to school. Pres. Eisenhower federalized the Arkansas Nat. Guard and sent in the 101st Airborne Division of the regular Army to assist them in restoring order.
But he did that before ...
# The Montgomery Amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1987provides that a governor cannot withhold consent with regard to active duty outside the United States because of any objection to the location, purpose, type, or schedule of such duty. This law was challenged and upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States in 1990 in Perpich v. Department of Defense.[12])
And before ...
# The John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007 Pub.L. 109-364Federal law was changed in section 1076 so that the Governor of a state is no longer the sole commander in chief of their state's National Guard during emergencies within the state. The President of the United States will now be able to take total control of a state's National Guard units without the governor's consent.[13] In a letter to Congress all 50 governors opposed the increase in power of the president over the National Guard.[14]
And most importantly before ...
# The National Defense Authorization Act 2008 Pub.L. 110-181Repeals provisions in section 1076 in Pub.L. 109-364 but still enables the President to call up the National Guard of the United States for active federal military service during Congressionally sanctioned national emergency or war. Places the National Guard Bureau directly under the Department of Defense as a joint activity. Promoted the Chief of the National Guard Bureau from a three-star to a four-star general.
Never answer a question do you? Very eloquent presentation of historical statements, that have nothing to do with the question. One might think you are a show off, and after visiting you home page, one would be correct.
Our conversation, is over.
You're projecting. That is exactly what you've done here. Trying to play cocktail party psychologist hasn't helped your credibility either.
Obama, in fearing a revolution against him by the States, this report continues, has moved swiftly against them, including nationalizing nearly all National Guard Forces in Governor Pawlenty's Minnesota in what is being described as their State's largest call up of troops since World War II. Other reports coming from the United States are stating that Obama has also nationalized the National Guard forces in Georgia, Alabama, Kansas, and perhaps Texas too.
It's just amazing how much control Barry0 has over the press to keep this a secret from everyone but P.T. Barnum was right.
I never said I believed any of it, and you still won't answer a question. The issue was and still is, if he choses to do it, who will stop him?
I contend, no one would/could, you continue to bloviate. Unless you think the Armed forces of the United States will mutiny, and I certainly don't.
Your question is a non-sequitur as it’s merely wild-eyed speculation about the future. If you don’t believe the article it doesn’t even make sense to ask it. Not surprising you would persist with it after making the ridiculous statement that U.S. statute law about Presidential powers over the National Guard are nothing but “historical statements, that have nothing to do with the question.” What could have more to do with it?
I give up, you can’t answer a simple question. Bye, bye.
Actually I did answer it in several ways. You just don’t recognize common sense when you read it. See ya!
None of which actually answered the question. Who would stop him? Give me a name, or continue posting hyperbole. in either case you have no answer, at east none that you care to actually share.
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